bvchef's Guestbook

13th March 2014

Outstanding blog & pics!!
Dave here......really enjoyed your blog. I thought you were metaphorically describing the beds as "concrete" until I saw the picture! The pictures are priceless as well. You seem to be enjoying your sojourn as we knew you would. Be safe.
13th March 2014
Dinosaurs Still Exist Here

Simply incredible when a destination meets or exceeds expectations...really glad this did. Great perspective of the best!
13th March 2014

Is the cactus flipping you off?
Ok, so in your first cactus picture, it looks like the cactus is flipping you off!!! LOL!!! Sounds like an amazing trip and can't wait to read the next posting. Love you!
12th March 2014

Thanks for the warning about having my credit card at the airport...
you should dispute the charge with the credit card company, keeping both tickets, etc. I've usually been able to have a charge cancelled or refunded. As for sitting on your hat, I though you didn't have a hate them. But in that sun, you really need the protection...on your head.
12th March 2014
Resting on my Hat

my fave of the salt flat pics...
and I love a bit of workplace promo :)
12th March 2014

Great photos....but....
I'm behind on reading your Bolivia blogs, but when I noticed this one had been published I had to have a quick skim of the photos. They're great, but did you forget to upload any others by chance...? ;-)
13th March 2014

Thanks Jo
I'm glad you checked out the blog. I will publish the second and third days of the Salar trip soon. As for the photos, I try to keep them to only 2 pages. I don't want to bore people with too many pictures and have them lose interest and stop looking at them. It is one of my many quirks. Believe it or not, I took over 600 pictures out on the Salar.
10th March 2014

Work for water
Hi B, loving the pictures so far. What a beautiful area to vacation in. If all the hiking was downhill I may be able to keep up. That uphill stuff is just not for me. Bet if they made the guests that used too much water bring up a couple of bucket fulls they wouldn't use near as much the next time. Have a great time and keep on blogging! Ted
10th March 2014

This is the blog I've been waiting for...your reunion with Tara. Fantastic you could bless her with a new computer and a lovely lunch. Fantastic your next meeting will be longer...hoping for cummulus.
12th March 2014

Day trip with Tara all set
I am so happy that Tara and I were able to meet. Since I was already coming down it was a snap to bring some stuff for her. It's just what friends do. Thanks for following my trip.
10th March 2014
What a View Again

What a view
There's something about the colours and mountain views that make one feel alive...clearly you are alive and well. Enjoy.
12th March 2014
What a View Again

What a view is right
Thank you Dave, Each direction I turned I found a new and even more beautiful view. Days like this do make me feel alive and fortunate to be able to seek out views like this.
10th March 2014

cloud watching... of my favourite summer activities! did you see the baby dragon in your 'Are You Fricken' Kidding Me?' photo? :)
11th March 2014

Wow, I didn't but do now.
Great catch. I didn't even catch that. I do love clouds. My high school English teacher wrote me that she sat in front of the computer and visualized walking up those steps and into the clouds.
9th March 2014

Oreos! :D
11th March 2014

Oh yeah!
And you know I ate each of those Oreos!
9th March 2014

Great pictures....looks like you are having a great time! Love the quinoa soup! Looks yummy! Safe travels!
9th March 2014
Port, Boat, Clouds

Good Recovery!
So glad you were able to throw off the altitude sickness, do that great hike with its amazing views and enjoy the quinoa soup. Since the trout is farmed in the polluted lake, probably best you didn't eat it anyway. Your guide, Sylvia, sounds like a gem--how nice to have her for so many days together. Enjoy Uyuni, and I'll see you soon!
11th March 2014
Port, Boat, Clouds

Luck has been with me
Thanks Tara. I am so grateful that I was feeling better by the Sun Island hike. It was more than I had expected it to be. (of course I had no real idea what I was going to be doing.) All my tours have been nice, so I am hoping our trip Thursday will be as well. Looking forward to seeing you.
9th March 2014

First, no Lola. Then Barry Manilow. Now a blue leisure suit??
Sorry....couldn't resist. Looks like you are drinking in all the color and majesty of a beautiful venue. Carry on, Sir!! Best, Dave
9th March 2014

What a gift!!!
You are a gift to all of us that you bring along on your adventures. I am so glad you are having a great time. I miss you!!! Things are great here and I will check on your home again this week, with the right keys!! Love and miss you and know I continue to pray for a safe and amazing journey for you! Talk to you in a couple of days!!!
11th March 2014

Thank you Janie
I think the gift is mine that I am able to have so many people along on my trips with me. I love reading the comments and knowing that I may help paint a small picture of the world for them. Can't wait to catch up with you.
9th March 2014

I want Lola and you give me Barry Manilow?
Glad you hooked up with TaraCloud and provided Christmas for her. The lake makes me think of the reed islands and MJ's burnt face (exquisitely painful). Keep the blogs coming..... Best, Dave
11th March 2014

Lola wanted too much in royalties
I am glad I met up with Tara too. We are going to spend a couple days in La Paz soon. Luckily I didn't get a bad sunburn. Hope you two are having a great time in Ireland.

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