Page 54 of Whiskers Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome October 11th 2009

Sunday 11th October Tuscany to Rome Four nights have passed by very quickly here but now it’s time to move further south with the Amalfi coast our next ‘long’stay broken by a night at Sacrofano,just outside the ring road of Rome. We were up a bit earlier this morning than the previous days as we have over 230km to travel and as we are travelling on a local road rather than the motorway it might just take a bit longer than the Google Map suggests. The day has dawned foggy,so much so that you cannot see more than about 50 metres and we hope this burns off by the time we are ready to hit the road as it will make driving tricky otherwise. We drove the gravel road for the last time on the way ... read more
Lunchtime walk at Belano
Church parade at Sacrofano
The parade under way

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence October 10th 2009

David - The perfect specimen We both awoke for no reason at all at 2am with the lightening still going on from the thunderstorm of last night.The flashes weren’t local but coming from over the distant hills and it illuminated the walls of our bedroom.Perhaps it was the relatively early night we had had going to bed after the movie finished before 10pm. We both did get back to sleep and in fact again slept for longer than we have been awaking not long before 8am perhaps making up for the disturbed night. The breakfasts we have been preparing for ourselves here have been hearty,lacking only in bacon to go with the eggs and this morning Gretchen decided it was time for poached variety again. The fresh fruit we have been having has been delicious ... read more
The Duomo
Duomo and tower,Florence
The not so attractive river through Florence

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Siena October 9th 2009

Friday 9th October Sightseeing in Siena The big advantage by staying out in the countryside is that there are no traffic or people noises to awake you and so the body tends to carry on sleeping until it has enough.This morning that didn’t happen until nearly 8am meaning we had had about 10 hours sleep!!Ah,the Tuscan countryside!! The sky has an overcast look about it this morning although there are also gaps of blue with the sun coming through.The temperature is a little cooler than yesterday and it looks like there will be a change in the weather sometime today.Not having the internet is a pain as it is handy even just to check what the weather ahead is going to be. The plan today is to visit Siena and then San Gimignano on the way ... read more
Tower in the main square
Square where the horse races are held
Narrow streets are the order of the day in Siena

Europe » Italy » Tuscany October 8th 2009

Thursday 8th October A day of administration and relaxation After the long day on the road yesterday and almost not finding our farmhouse apartment out in the countryside of Tuscany we thought we should take a day to relax and not travel.Or at least no further than the town of Poggibonsi which is only 3 or so kilometres away. And although the town is not that far away it is distant enough with a small hill in the way to not hear any traffic noise from the town or motorway that passes close by.In fact as we expected we might we slept until nearly 8am as the bed and pillows are among the most comfortable we have experienced on the European section of the BBA. With full kitchen facilities it is the grand breakfast of eggs ... read more
On Gretchens countyside walk
Countryside near the apartment
The farmhouse and our apartment

Europe » Italy » Tuscany October 7th 2009

Wednesday 7th October South to Tuscany We had thought that the chickens in the barn might wake us up but they didn’t and the darkness created by the closed shutters kept us sleeping to nearly 7.30am.With autumn moving on and daylight saving still going, the sun is now much later rising. The breakfast was simple here but the rolls and fresh strawberry jam were delicious and the coffee was strong setting us up for what was to be become a very long day and one that we nearly didn’t make it to our next overnight stop. There were a couple of options of roads we could take south to Tuscany.One was the motorway which is rarely of interest to us and the other was via a hill route that looked like it would be very scenic.We ... read more
Impressive bridge on the way south
Lookout from the hill/mountain road
Cute hill village

Europe » Italy » Veneto » Verona October 6th 2009

Tuesday 6th October West to Verona Our concerns of last night that the incoming backpackers might be a noisy lot were realised during the night or some early hour of the morning.For a while there were arguments,shouting and loud talking in the vicinity of our mobile home with wafer thin walls and our sleep was disturbed. Then,sleep,and the next we knew it was time for the early morning departures from Marco Polo airport.There is no way we can miss those!! Today we plan to visit Verona,the city in which Shakespeare used for his tale of love,Romeo and Juliet.It is only about 120km away so it should be a short day on the road. After that we will head for our accommodation at a farm stay near Castiglione d Stiviere about another 50km further away from Verona. ... read more
The Arena,Verona
Street scene,Verona
Town Hall,Verona

Europe » Italy » Veneto » Venice October 5th 2009

Monday 5th October A day at the beach - Lido di Jesolo The early morning flights from the Marco Polo airport next to the camp all go in quick succession and then there is a lull while the early arrivals,which we don’t hear,empty their loads and prepare for their next destination.We have quickly come to recognise what type of aircraft is taking off from the whine of the Airbus to the deeper noise of the Boeing. The camp is very well treed and although a good number of them are deciduous there are still enough leaves on them to make the camp shady.The maintenance man is going to have his work cut out to keep up with the falling leaves when the next cold snap or steady breeze brings them down in profusion. After thinking yesterday ... read more
Deserted hotels and apartments,Lido di Jesolo

Europe » Italy » Veneto » Venice October 4th 2009

Sunday 4th October The unique city of Venice We made two mistakes during our first night and morning in our mobile home at the camping ground just outside of Venice. First we under estimated just how cold it would get in autumn during the night and early hours of the morning in an un insulated mobile home.We had electric heating by way of a a/c but neglected to turn it on last night and we both awoke freezing cold despite having a sheet and a blanket over us.We cranked up the a/c and warmth returned to our confined space quite quickly. The second mistake was thinking that daylight saving finished in Central Europe over night.This had us sleeping in believing we had an extra hours as the clock had gone back an hour. So we arose ... read more
Not a lot of space in Venice
Crowds everywhere,Venice

Europe » Italy » Veneto » Venice October 3rd 2009

Saturday 3rd October South to Venice It has been a short but very comfortable stay(except the pillows)at our hotel far up in the hills.Like the hotel near Varese we woke with the sun coming in through the French doors which we opened and lay back and enjoyed the fresh air before breakfast. Its not a great distance today down to the coast and our mobile home in the camping ground just outside Venice where we will be for the next three nights. The trip down the hill through the little village and past the vineyards didn’t take very long and before we knew it we were back on route #12 looking for the turnoff to route #47 just before Trento. Just after we turned off #12 we entered a series of tunnels,the longest being of 2.3km ... read more
Grandeur of the hills on one side of the valley
A little more expansive view over the grape vines

Europe » Italy » Trentino Alto Adige October 2nd 2009

Friday 2nd October Our final alpine pass in Switzerland Although we have another mountain road pass ,the Ofen,at 2149 metres to get over today to get to Italy and tonights accommodation, it won’t present a great deal of climbing for RR as we are already at about 1800 metres at Silvaplana.This will also be the final mountain pass that we need to negotiate in Switzerland on this adventure. It has dawned another beautiful day and we have to keep pinching ourselves to remind us that on all the days we have been travelling since 19th April that we have had only 3 days when it has been too wet to get about sightseeing. Whilst it is fine and sunny it is also pretty cool outside in single digits but the prospect for Italy is much warmer ... read more
Not quite so grand landscape Ofen Pass,Switzerland
Apple trees for miles and miles
Hills as we approac San Michele,Italy

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