Whataday's Guestbook

9th February 2008

cazzo sto racconto me sembra m po tipo l arca de noè stiamo leggendo e ci sembra che hai preso la macchina del tempo tipo quando mi è arrivato il pacco di acquiloni ed ho pensato:oh mio dio è il cacciatore di acquiloni afgano! che vita tornerà Siddharta ed io non avro' nemmeno il terzo occhio aperto! Ho fatto vedere i misteriosi barattolini a Lella che prima entusiasta mi ha guardato e chiesto :"che bbello ma a cosa servono chiediglielo e poi dopo poco.....ma questo è nero!!!!corri scaldalo!!!!! Fantastico l europa ci uccide! Mimanchi fricchetto' odio il tuo pc francese
From Blog: Some anecdotes
6th November 2007

stunning pictures
Your photographs are absolutely stunning. Can't wait to see more.
3rd November 2007

3rd November 2007

they shouldbe some good filing after all, and pictures
As I know some other details of this trip, I want to add that Angelo the hero, had a walk at 5500 m alt, took a bath in a alt Lake and after realized that he did a free trek with a fauls protrek, he and the blablatreker was almost lost at over 5000 m in a snow storm without even know how to come back to the base camp...... WFFFFFOWW ! And Rishikesh - after the scary and shaky bus trip...- was again a peace place very welcome to come back and to share time between yoga, meeting and "reyounging" bath in Ganga. It's difficult in India to realized the power of what we live and cross, because each minute, in some place (...) should be in controle even soft : it's very importante to make some distance about the reaction in front of unjustice, lying, and face of all the human ways to catch some thing when you have almost nothing, it's a game and Life in the same time, but it's very rich in lessons, generousity, beauty, and other unknow part of life. India is not what we think it is, it's always something else, it's also a discovering of ourself. And it's also possible to stay in India, without too much of those difficulties, even outside of the rich occidental resorts. Thanks to Angelo, this new reporter and "adventurioR"!!!
27th October 2007

Mine ass is configured differentially..
You mean the ass in the road right? They *are* configured differentially; you need a graphing calculator, actually; I'm afraid you will have to wait until you return to the States, the heart of civilization, my friend; With our beloved bureacracy, we are second to none; did you know there was a major problem with food adulteration in our country 100 years ago? They were selling powdered talc as milk and many got sick or died... it was then that the bureacracy began... to regulate our insane desires... Anyway... Your blog has made me laugh out loud. Keep it up. And if the monkey throws shit at you, throw yours right back.... it is your right... peace, my friend.... (om nama shivaya)...
25th September 2007

I am From Perugia
Ho chiamato mamma per leggere il tuo blog in diretta ed è stato molto divertente soprattutto per il mio inglese... aspettiamo le novita' dei viaggi di Kipling in diretta con molto interesse, ogni tanto mandaci anche qualche bella foto. Ci manchi soprattutto alla nonna che chiede spesso di te. Questi giorni la vedo sempre sorridente quindi non ti preoccupare troppo per lei. Aspetto con ansia che cada un meteorite a Castel del Piano per scriverti tutti i dettagli di come gli alieni invadono il borgo. Ciaooooooooo

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