Tamar Muchilar


Tamar Muchilar

Im a 21 years old backpacker from Israel, speaking english hebrew and a little biy spanish
and Im here because facebook is too small for my mouth 😊

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires June 11th 2016

Days running out and money too. I did not do nothing today, after waking up late because going out late yesterday. I did buy new pains, and I did see the obelist one more time and took a lot of pictures in a huge book shop. I found my dearling Harry Potter in his spanish version. also I whatched a video of me dancing in ¨badance studio¨ dance clase that I took yesterday. It was so fun to dance again and also really funny to see the similarity between Buenos Aires´ dance studios and the Israeli studios. So, maybe it isnt true that I did NOTHING. Maybe I had an intensive day yesterday and I had to balance it. And maybe I had to accept that even while traveling Im still me, and I have to ... read more

After a long time in the city, today I had to take my huge backpack to, as I asked people her- ¨hospital para (for) muchilas¨. what a fucking nightmare. I looked for a place 3 hours and when I finally found one I have been told it will take a week till I will getmy healthy-as-new backpack, which mean I have one more week here in buenos aires. one more week in the big comfortable city, with the hot boys and buildings and crazy nightlife, before I keep my journey south, to another tipe of crazyness. Salta and Bolivia, will you be able to wait for me one week more, please? Well. I guess it also means one night more with club69. and one day more at palermo lagos. and one more church. and one more ... read more

Im a 21 backpaker from Israel, traveling since 20.1 and right now on Argentina, buenos aires. I have a diary and it told me to share our secret with the world so here I am. Always listen to your diary. Here is me img=https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/13000353_10208320747832606_2662997841842347675_n.jpg?oh=08385daa08d28dca77a95a8ca02d6146&oe=57DA4C74&__gda__=1472785329_da142ce30d0b2ac53534b536540863bb... read more

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