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2nd March 2010

crossing from china
Well the chinese visa we got already at home, but the Tibet travel permit (i.e. seperate from the chinese visa itself) we got in Xining. travel agencies get arrange that in one day. But the trick is that you'll need a guide & driver. These must be arranged beforehand, you can't arrange that upon arriving in Tibet. in case you go from Nepal, then i suggest to arrange the travel permit, car & guide in Kathmandu. The closer you get to tibet, the cheaper it get. Check in guesthouses / ho(s)tels for travel partners in case you want to share the costs of the driver & giude.... Traveling freely was for us not possible, you'll need a fixed itinerary.
23rd February 2010

crossing from china
hi im planing to go to tibet in about a month and i wonder how you went in there when you visited. by road? if yes, how did you arrange your visa? any comments on possible complications etc is more than welcome hope you can help cheers august
17th February 2010

I wasn't sure if you deserved it on account of drinking just a local beer, but you scored some serious bonus points with the new 70's porn stash look! You have well earned you lollypop. By the way: you should apply for the position of frontman for the Eagles Of Death Metal. Jesse Hughes has nothing on you....
17th February 2010

Hallo daar!
That sounds really good, all this relaxing! About the same we are doing now, we are on the 4000 islands in Laos en doing nothing else than reading, swimming, enjoying the sun and eating really good food. Tommorrow we will go back to Cambodia and we really look forward to it. I think we lost your emailadress by the way, or I just don't remember were I wrote it down... Can you sned it to us? Greets, Erwin and Winnie
15th February 2010

The updates for the last two months....
Hi Agi and Chris ! It was some time since I wrote back to you in response to your blog so my apologies come right here (ç+”*£äüö*&/&). You remember that I have gone through some changes in my relationship (single again, I am!) that being the main reason for my withdrawal, or rather the lack of time. But rest assured that I have read every blog text you wrote and I am pretty much up to date what, where and how you done and ate and how you felt during and afterwards of it. I must say that I am envious but full of admiration for the patience, courage and adventurous spirit you show each day I must look for a companion that can do the same with me! On that front, there is no shortage of candidates but they all fall behind in qualifying for some areas when I put them to the tests … but I enjoy testing them, so finding my next companion can take some time :) You will be happy to know that your stuff is still safely tucked in my basement. Janet has moved out and I am living alone (most of the time) in now “my own” apartment. I make no immediate plans to move out of it, though eventually, yes, I will do so, because this one is too far out of town and, to large for me, and therefore expensive. With the many friends I have in Lux I am sure I will be able to find something cheaper and closer to town, perhaps even in Limpersberg, and in decent square meters size. Or so I hope. But in the meantime, your stuff stays where you put it. Your fridge was being used for storing Yukon’s chicken, but not any more, I will probably turn it off as I am not a big eater myself, and since I don’t cook (in the learning process) the amount of food I store is no that large. Ending my note here as I still have to do some work and want to end earlier today to make it to my French lesson. Keep up the writing! Don’t stop the adventures! Good Luck! Lawrence
15th February 2010

Nice !
Not bad at all!!! Must say it is a nice way to get to know a country ;-) just wondering about that boat, so did a family had to sleep outside for a night for you guys to rent that boat? You rich capitalistic westerns! Though that hammock looks just fine for one night, guess they didn't mind ;-)
5th February 2010

You suck... that's ok.
That we suck in blogging is totally fine for us. Cause did it ever occur in your mind that the main reason why we're using this medium is simply recording our impressions for ourselves. The fact that other people can read it is only secondary (primarily for friends and relatives). So in case your bothered by it, ok, then don't read further, but we continue. Greets.
2nd February 2010

What a great read. Nice to get a snap shot of the people and culture. Though that toilet business is putting me off visiting! Seriously though, sounds like a real culture shock. Probably just what I need. I went to Malaysia for 5 days and was gob smacked, I think China sounds a bit similar in some ways. Thanks for sharing!
1st February 2010

2 Oceans Meet?
You mean 2 seas meet? Because there's only the Indian Ocean there. RE: "The only thing that appeared to be seperated were the genders (a bit contradictory to their learnings, as male and female are supposed to be the same, but all is segregated in the holiest of the holiest and only men can be priests." What about Catholics? Do we have women priests? At least, in Sikhism and Hinduism, if you want to be a guru or swami, you don't have to be a woman or man, you don't even have to belong to a race or - in the case of Hinduism - you don't have to be a Hindu even!!You can be a Christian and preach Hindu things. That's where Sufism came from. This is what I know can tell us more during your trip. Also re: separating women and men: just because the dorms and bathrooms are separate in universities does not mean that universities are practicing inequality... RE: having to pay for the bus ride in India, isn't it becasue it is a more mature capitalistic society compared to feudal Pakistan? Also, if the bus owner only earns $500 per year (India's per capita income), how can he afford to provide free rides. In pakistan, maybe they will be covered by charity - the mosques (funded by Saudis) give out money or support to all people. Hindu temples are not organized - it's crazy out there I is not organized, it is not evena religion I heard... Have a great trip and be careful in that crazy Myanmar - stay away from the military.
29th January 2010

you suck
28th January 2010

Ik bedoel natuurlijk Agi en doe jezelf en haar dus de hartelijke groeten!
28th January 2010

Dear Chris and Aggi, You're the best! Been sending this travelblog far too long now and I must admit, I almost haven't red a bit.. But this time I thought to give it a shot. Maybe it's because you're travelling across India now and this country fascinates me somehow. Very nice pictures! And Chris, after reading about your experience at Red Fort I found it really promising you being a man of principles all of a sudden (Aggi's influence I suppose? Hear ya, fuck you too ;-) I'm mainly impressed by the Golden Temple/Harmandir Sahib. Checked the story behind this massive piece on wiki and surprised by the fact these Sikhs developed their own instruments. Seen any of that? How would you describe the sound of it? Do they bring amplifiers? Anyway, I like your blog very much and I'll be in touch more often from now on. Take care and have lots of fun at, I quote: "(...) the most southern point of the Indian subcontinent, where two Oceans meet. You're suppossed to see the sun set and moon rise at the same moment there." Awesome! I'm kind of jealous here. The weather in Holland sucks by the way, so no need to get homesick yet. Also thanx for the amusing postcard, Good luck to both of you, Anne
27th January 2010

I am with Agi on this one! Much better!
27th January 2010

Chris, your new beard looks good!!!!! Soooo retro! Agi should be very pleased! ;)
20th January 2010

over 6 maand fietsen in de Tiger Leaping
Heel mooi deze verhalen te lezen. afgelopen weekend bij je ouders gegeten. We zijn met elkaar in China geweest. Dat heeft ons zo geraakt dat we komend zomer vanaf kumning gaan fietsen. En dan de gorge vanaf het noorden. En we hoorden al niets aantrekken van weg versperd. Gewoon door gaan. Wel dit is voor jullie al even terug. Vond het toch aardig even een bericht te sturen. Veel succes met jullie uitdaging. Wouter Smid en Mariet Hijlkema, Emmen
20th January 2010

Hello! Wauw, this looks really good! Great to read how you guys are doing there! We are still in Kathmandu, but our flight to Bangkok is in 2 days. We tried to do the Helambu trekking, but the first day (on the famouw stairs), Erwins knee was hurting again, so we went back the second day... After that we did see a very nice festival in Panauti! This is once in the twelve years for an month, and we arrived there on the first the of the festival, really cool! We hope you have a really good time! Greets, Erwin and Winnie
18th January 2010

fitting in with the locals
So Chris, was that beard part of the plan for fitting in? Though the Paki-men seem to have a smooth silky facial skin on these pictures? Or going for the same mission as we had in Poland and only shave on return in order to spare packing space ;-)
10th January 2010

No Comments...
... on the beard
6th January 2010

Too bad they didn't have any Oranjeboom Malt in stock, your favourite! I'll give you a lolly when you're back if you show me photographic proof of you sipping on one of those....:)
2nd January 2010

sounds like fun
He you guys, seems like you are having a jolly good time. Good for you! We are having snow over here which is also beautiful. When do you leave Asia and go more west, of even more east? We are going to NYC in 2 weeks time for a couple of days. Walking down memory lane for me, but it will be thrilling for Manja. Take care.
1st January 2010

What a story, Agi! Hope you're feeling better now ... Did you do any hiking to the peaks from Zhangmu, BTW? Pictures with hairy Chris smiling at the top of Qomolangma?! Cheers, and may the force be with you! :-) Gyuri
17th December 2009

Good luck!
All the best for The Mnt Everest! What a great place for X-mas.
17th December 2009

Did already confirm through FB, but guess that might be blocked in China, so yes, your postcard also made it all the way to Zoutleeuw ;-) Might be a nice idea, send postcards from the most remote or inaccessable places on earth... so challenge to you Chris (I know wich one will be the most tempted to actually take it...), I want a postcard from Bagdad! Although I might also settle for Teheran ;-)
14th December 2009

just a hint
Chris, I appreciate your 'taste' for adventure and trying new things. But just a well ment piece of advise: should you ever want to try to make a better impression on my parents by displaying your good sense of humour, do not ever, under any circumstances, make any suggestion about your new gastronomical experiences, and certainly not in relation to Bieke... she would not prove much to be satisfied on anyway ;-)
26th November 2009

Killer fish
Jeee Chris, What happened to your hair?! It's pretty short on the first picture ... but funny story btw :-)

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