SineadandPhilippeRTW's Guestbook

5th November 2009

Wow what a nice pictures. what a views! As you would have noticed, I'm a bit behind, because of our movement to Gennep. Finally, everything went well, so now I can join the internet again! Hopefully you both are doing fine there!
4th November 2009

fair play 2 u
So jealous???!.... watching the video.
3rd November 2009

best driver
Let us be glad that Philippe is the sun of 'the best driver of the world'.......
24th October 2009

my english group
Hi Sinead, With my English group we were reading your blog about the pale green people on the boat and bitsy in the mud. They told me to let you know that your English is really beautifull and they loved your funny details. I have to give you their compliments and greetings. Special from teacher Tavenier.
24th October 2009

Hello....... We have seen pictures of NZ, lovely to see that you have enjoyed NZ. Heare Ra NZ, ( goodbye NZ ) Welkom to Australia, have fun and take care. Warm regards from a Aussie and Eef
19th October 2009

your jump
Sinead, your jump was 'rather nice', I didn't feel it in my stomach when I was watching the video...
18th October 2009

Upside down
Wow, Wow, wow !!!. What an experience. I was nervous watching the picture when you stepped out and waited to jump.
15th October 2009

What a cute campervan! Hope she will bring you to nice places!
14th October 2009

And: how is life in bitsy? You don't get lost in it? You're sure it's a van?
7th October 2009

Be careful, don't get lost in your bitsy!!You are sure it's a van??
5th October 2009

Bahia Inglesa
It sounds like a nice leisurely way to end you tour of South America
1st October 2009

Hey Guys, you guys arrived well and safe in NZ. KIA ORA ( means HI ) enjoy NZ is very beautiful HEARE RA ( means Goodbye) Jacky and Eef
22nd September 2009

I thought pelicans only lived in the Zoo
22nd September 2009

Chilean wine
Not a bad attempt to ruin my love affair with Chilean wine but you failed. I'm drinking a glass of it as I read your blog. Best regards Derek
14th September 2009

Water, water
It reminds me of summer Corca Dhuine in July and August. September is however, an Indian Summer. Sláinte. Eileen
13th September 2009

Swimming in warm water when the rain and snow is falling down, so romantic! Don't listen to Helmer to get married so far away from us!!
12th September 2009

Hello you two, your adventure looks still very exciting, have fun and besafe ... Warm regards Jacky and Eef.
11th September 2009

Hey travellers, seems like a wet but nice adventure there. Any plans for getting married? Everybody over here does so you'd better be quick! hasta luego!
10th September 2009

Hello ! Nice blog, and very nice photos ! Enjoy your last days in Argentine !
9th September 2009

It's nice to have a distraction from work, that I'm trying to do. What a stories and what a views. You really keep having me jealous and trying to save some money to follow your trip. Must be amazing to see so much of the world. Wich countries you guys now past? Many times you call the names of the city's and places, but then I'm not always sure if I know to wich country that place must belong. Enjoy it, and I'm still surprised that you both seen so much, while there's so much more time to go in your big holiday! Nice to follow the stories. x Anneke
3rd September 2009

Looks cool
I was in 45 degrees when your in -15 degrees, now thats some difference. Oh and a few thousand miles of course. But its raining again here. Enjoy.
25th August 2009

lads, ye are kickin ass with this hollier. have just spent my entire boring lunch break reading all about it! congrats on macchu picchu, sounds like it was tough but worth it. but clearly the tango is harder. nothing to report on my end. the country is falling to sh1te in your absence.....enjoy the rest of BA!
25th August 2009

It's been a while that we were reading your stories, because of our travel trough Kenia. Now I missed some stories, but the amazing pictures of the water falling has caught my attention back again. Wow, that must be amazing to see and experience in real. I'm really curious of seeing you both again and just see the pictures and have your direct stories at the moment. It's really wonderful what you're doing this year. It's really nice to keep in touch in this way, but I'm not that good in details when I must read that's why I'm anxious to invite you for dinner or whatever... Enjoy it! x Anneke
23rd August 2009

The photographs of the waterfalls are fantastic and give a realistic picture. I neally felt the spray. Slán go fóill.
17th August 2009

Hi Flip and Sinead, Whaaw the pictures you made in Sucre are really cool. It looks great, and what a nice place to stay for a few days. Enjoy your time...I'm going back to work...grrrr. Greatings Geert

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