Ra fish's Guestbook

30th March 2011

Rachel, God is really taking you on a journey I guess you never expected. You are learning so much, as are those who read your blog. Thanks for sharing what you are learning about God. You will probably never know how many lives are being touched by your honesty. Psalm 46 came to my mind as I was thinking about you. You are in our hearts and prayers.xxxx
8th March 2011

Rachel I learnt so much from this Blog, the part on Greek words was particularly insightful. Thank you for taking the time to write it. Love you loads.
7th March 2011

Rachel I am not confused or offended but extremely blessed by your blog. I am being really challenged at the moment about wholeheartedness and it was great to read your thoughts/discoveries about it. Praying for you. x
17th February 2011

catch up
hey Rachel, so enjoy reading your blogs! You are so honest and really bear your heart and soul. I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling with your self image (what female doesn't!!) but I want to encourage you that there can be an end to what you are feeling. Its strange that you should write about that the lies that you are listening to. I am currently doing a course in my church called Freedom in Christ which covers exactly that topic. It would be hard to tell you all about it in this email but if you go to www.ficm.org.uk you will see some info there. I will be praying for you that you will know a real freedom to be who you were meant to be in Christ and to really enjoy the life that He has planned for you. love and prayers Auntie M xxoo
9th February 2011

Loved your entry this week Rachy: ) all my love xx
26th January 2011

Great to read this
Great to read this as last week was obviously bit tough with the computer access disappointment. We prayed for you at group last week so will be good to share this news tonight and continue to pray for you. Lv Ruth
18th January 2011

will take this to group for prayer tomorrow
Hi Rachel, Don't worry about emailing back. Just know I've read this and will take it to group for prayer tomorrow about the computer access frustrations etc. lots of love Kevin and Ruth
5th January 2011

Good Luck! You will be missed :(
Ra! So brave! :D I think it will be a fantastic experience and I can't wait to read about what you get up to while you are on the other side of the world! :P Be safe! Have fun! Lots of love! From me!
25th July 2008

Hellooooo =D
Hello there Miss Ra! Just caught up with the blogs! [I only had one to read! I've been doing well keeping up!] I think these animals you're having to look after are just to weak! GOSH! You'd think they'd try to live a bit more! ^_^ I can't believe you were told to throw it in the trashcan! >=o I suppose it's a quick way of getting rid of the body and not worrying about any kids digging it up later if it got burried! =D Aww I'm sad to hear that you feel you're mood is getting sad! =[ We all get sad sometimes and often it's hard to get happy again quickly, but try to think positive and look forward to Las Vegas and coming home! ^_^ But also look at the good points of being away from home and gaining confidence and being so very brave! =D 'Friendly Campers'!! Oh man what a thing to call them! Trying to make it sound all nice when really it's awful and they have LICE!!! ARGHHHH!!! The only good thing about that so called sports staff bonding thing is that you were in the blue team! Blue is a very good colour! =D Btw... Once tried that fake laughing thing and it kinda does work...unless you're really really upset and cant fake laugh for crying! ^_^ Well that's all I wanted to say for now... Oh and I hope you're taking care of yourself and having fun! I miss you very much back here and look forward to seeing you when you get back! Lots of hugs! Love from ME! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
25th July 2008

Hehe am gonna have to try that laughter thing. It's probably cause laughter is contagious and you probably end up laughing at the fact you're laughing. Hehe that makes no sense but it cheered me up anyway. Chin up Rach, you'll be home soon! *hugs*
23rd July 2008

Hang in there!
HI Rachel.... I have been reading your travel blog since you started it (If I dont, granda tells me anyway!) and I think you are doing brilliantly....Course you are going to have your bad days...everything is magnified when you are away from home...but remember you are the first grandchild/cousin to do this, and everyone is so impressed!! The Morrison side of the family are routing for you..keep up the good work.
23rd July 2008

Yummm Golden Corral is very yummy! Am glad you're enjoying the camp enough to want more time with the kids. Can't believe you've only got 3 weeks left! This summer is going a lot faster than I thought it would. Looking forward to seeing you back in Lancs!! xxxxxxxxx
17th July 2008

Check you missus!
wahoo! sounds like you're having an awesome time! and whether u see it or not, you have definitely matured as you're not daunted by the suggestion of going to Brazil and you're really making headway with Destiny (I'm loving her name!!! it is rocking my world fo'sho;) ) the incident with this odd dude sound quite funny tbh...boys are totally weird so hang in there lol! ;) nah 2 entries is awesome- i like hearing about what ur up to... ;) i got sent a verse by the lovely J. C and i wanna pass it onto u... Numbers 6:24-26 'May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on yu and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favour and give you his peace.' AMEN! BTW it's ace that u taught a girl how to pray- discipleship! wahoo! love u xxx
16th July 2008

Corn dogs are actually delicious, despite the way they look. Kinda like Sloppy Joes! :P Tell me, have you had a S'more yet??!?! Love you lots! xxxxxxxx
15th July 2008

Yo! I feel i've been proper bombarding u lately but am loving it so im gna continue lol! I'm so pleased that things r coming togther for you now...even if there are still tough times, just reading your blog shows how much God is helping you and evn though u said u haven't got anything from ur secret angel, God is totally making up for it :) the animals sound well cool! i like tortoises- they remind me of dinosaurs :) woop! maybe u could get the kids to make like a playground for the animals? like with tunnels n boxes n stuff? like with the inner tubey bit from kitchen roll?? just an idee ;) It's so great to hear u saying u'd like to go back to the same camp next yr! I'm so proud of all ur achieving n so far from home! loves ya! god bless xx
12th July 2008

Don't stop checking your mailbox, Miss Rachel! ;) Love you lots! xxxxx
6th July 2008

Hey Ra! Nature Director sounds good I must say! Don't be worried about not knowing about the animals because maybe you could search about them on the internet =D The Iguana sounds different and interesting! I'll have to check the blog to see how it goes with that one ^_^! I bet this job is less of a worry! Because with horses I imagine you'd worry about falling off and getting hurt or worrying about the kids falling off and that =/ Seemed like a big big risky responsibility! I remember that animal mask thing with Ms Sunman! That was so good =D It seems to me Miss Ra that there's no need to beat yourself up because you seem to be doing a super duper job and you do deserve that reward!! You should be so pleased =] And as for down times...they come and go...I've been having one for quite a few days now but I'm just trying to think positively...which can be hard at times when you're feeling down! It's a shame about the food over there =/ I would have thought they would have had more healthier oprtions to set examples for the kids and stuff...but oh well...you're doing well coping with things...it seems so hard! I'm really proud of you sticking it out throught the hard times =D Always remember that I'm thinking of you back home! Stay safe and happy! Love me xxxxxxxx
6th July 2008

Wow! Aliens in Ohio? Hehe! I hope those kids managed to get to sleep in the end and weren't too scared! And I feel sory for the girl who the anger management girl said she'd kill >_< It's a bit unsettling for the poor girl...especially if it's causing her panic attacks! Let's hope she's ok! I'm missing you loads back here =[ but I know that you're being kept busy and hopefully keeping safe and happy! =D We're all ok back home...think we're all been kept fairly busy too! Well talk to you again soon my dear! Take care and stay safe! Loves xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
6th July 2008

Rachel the superstaff
I'm sure you do deserve it Rachel. You are always working so hard and putting in buckets loads of efforts. Just look at how much you care about making the lessons fun and applicable to the kids. It's fantastic. Continue to be a star.
5th July 2008

Yeah, American summer camps are not the place to go for nutrition! It was awful when I was a kid, am not surprised it's still the same. Am sure you're not the only one who wants some non-fattening variety, especially if a lot of the other camp workers are girls. Maybe see if you guys can talk to someone who's in charge? It's not good for the kids either to be eating junk all the time. Woot for the award! Seeeeeeee you're lovely and everyone knows you are!!! So proud of you Rachey!!! Hope you're still enjoying the nature job. I definitely think masks and artsy things would be a fun project. Depending on the ages of the kids of course. xxxx
1st July 2008

Love you Rachey!!! *muah*
29th June 2008

Aww hun don't be so hard on yourself. What do they always say? Never work with children or animals! :P You're working with both and it sounds like you're doing a good job to me. Accidents happen and you can't always control what the horses are going to do. Just keep at it and I'm sure it'll get better. I think the candy and notes idea is really sweet! You're such a sweetheart!!! xxxxxxxx
29th June 2008

I'm surprised about the safety being less there than in the UK. Usually American regulations make things super crazy safe! Glad your foot is doing better...by now it's probably all healed as I'm a bit behind in reading your blogs! :P xxxx
27th June 2008

hello babychristian buddy!
Hey u!I'm loving ur entries n its so fantastic that God has blessed you with more time to get everything sorted.I read amy's entry and My soldier has made friends with my cat and is goin to go to sicily next week with me! Woop!I reckon he'll get hot in his uniformtho...:) You're always in my prayers, literally everyday.Don't feel bad bout taking from God cos your actions at going to usa n doin the camp r outward signs of ur devotion to Him.He loves u n isn't angry wiv u m'dear...yeah I miss u n uni peeps too but we r still together in prayer :) btw i'm well proud of myself for managing this reply thing...hopefully it'll work and then I'll bombard u with random replies! tbh i'm so proud of u for goin to camp n u'll be with ur famly in a matter of wks in vegas baby! wahoo! love you loads and loads and loads! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
From Blog: Little update

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