RJT's Guestbook

14th August 2013
An azure kingfisher. Gorgeous colours in the jungle

Azure Kingfisher
Great shot Rachel. These small birds don't hang around long for photos generally. I had one of these lined up last year at Cania Gorge, QLD, but just couldn't get the focus and shot before the kingfisher shot through. I have given you a rating of 5 on this photo for the patience and luck required to get a good one. They are a startling colour and generally found against drab back grounds. Definitely a good shot. Rob
14th August 2013
An azure kingfisher. Gorgeous colours in the jungle

Thank you! I really fell in love with these gorgeous birds. I think I was really lucky to get this shot - I was in a boat doing a croc tour. I've got a pretty good zoom too - that and luck!
11th August 2013

Chasing killer animals.
Another great travel blog, Rachael. You have such varied and interesting Australian excursions. Really enjoyed reading this one and all the photos with it. Look forward to reading about your next trip. xx
11th August 2013

It's lovely to hear from you Richard. I'm not sure what my next Australian adventure will be, maybe a bit closer to home, at least for a bit. I'm going to Sri Lanka in December, so that should be a real adventure!
11th August 2013

Stepping on snakes!
We were told by an Aussie friend to stamp our feet wherever we think snakes may be...apparently the vibrations scare them away from you? The only close encounter we had with a snake was a green one in Thailand, where it nearly slithered over Donna's foot! Don't think it was poisonous, but after that we stamped our feet whenever we walked through that area. Nice pics, love the one of the kangaroo chilling in the sun!
11th August 2013

I have hear this about warning snakes you're coming. I'll remember it next time I'm walking in the bush. You can't be too sure!! Goodness you'd have gotten a fright if that snake had gone over your foot!
11th August 2013

The Daintree
Hi Rachael, Great Blog, love the Daintree, Don't miss having a Daintree Ice cream". Our motto about snakes is you have to be very lucky to see one, and very unlucky to be bitten by one> Just keep your eyes open and you should spot one, but tread lightly as they are deaf, your foot steps usually scare them off. In our 4 1/2 years here, we have seen about a dozen, of various types. Stay safe and Happy travels. Kangaroojack
11th August 2013

Yes I had a Daintree ice cream a well, absolutely delicious! A couple of days before I got to port Douglas a very unlucky woman was bitten by one in the township as she was walking home and accidentally stood on one. I kept away from the sticks when I heard that!
10th August 2013

Where's the picture of the snake?
Without a picture you do not have proof! But I believe you...including you walking towards it.
11th August 2013

He was running away too fast for a photo, but he was definitely real!
10th August 2013
The upside down jungle surf.  LOTS of fun!

I've never seen anyone zip line upside down...
how did you stop? Did you get dizzy?
11th August 2013
The upside down jungle surf.  LOTS of fun!

I'm not sure how it all worked, but our guides could control our speeds and they stopped us. On another one they stopped us midway through for a photo shoot! I didn't feel dizzy. It was lots of fun!
10th August 2013

After 40 years of living in Oz without a close encounter with a snake, yesterday Sylvia and I were up on a local headland watching for whales when I nearly stepped on a brown snake. Fortunately, it was more frightened of being stepped on and took off into the nearby bush, so I live to tell the tale. In all the time I have been in Oz, I have seen four snakes and they have all been running away.
11th August 2013

Wow, that was a close call! Yes, our Daintree snake was running away too. I don't know what type it was though.
10th August 2013

oh look, there's a snake - I raced TOWARDS it!
Can't cuddle snakes from up there Rachael
10th August 2013

....actually stupid is the other word - not brave at all!
10th August 2013

Racing towards snakes
I'm quite sure if I had been alone I wouldn't have been so brave!
3rd August 2013

Great blog!
Wish we could have been there...and I speak for Leslie and Tiffany too....they would have enjoyed following Jo up there! This time we were just at the antipodes...but with great sun too. Knowing Dave, I'm pretty sure it's not the last TB get-togheter down there! Hope to see you all guys pretty soon...somewhere on earth...or on the seas...or even in the air!
4th August 2013

It would've been great for you to join us, I've been reading your adventures for a while now, I'd love to meet you and your family. You're right, I'm sure there'll be a next time!
1st August 2013

Hello from Ethiopia
It was wonderful to be part of the gathering, even if it was not a physical presence. I could feel the lovely vibe in Sydney across the other side of the world.
1st August 2013

It was fantastic that you were able to make an appearance. I'm looking forward to reading more about Ethiopia.
1st August 2013

Beautiful Sydney
Looks like you guys had a fantastic time! Gutted we missed the boules tournament, hope to make it next time :)
1st August 2013

I could have done with some help in the boules - turns out that neither Jan nor I will win any medals (unless they're the lead ones!).
1st August 2013

I'm in love
Beautifully worded account Rachael - made me chuckle & wow those photos!...the colour...I have fallen in love with Sydney all over again...
1st August 2013

Well you did well ordering up such a stunning weekend. I must get some of your tricks!

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