PaddyMurphy17's Guestbook

17th May 2010

Wonderful post
Patrick: I enjoyed reading your thoughts here. Trips like the one you are on do bring into focus all that is important. You are a wise young man. Mike T.
28th April 2010

A Keeper!
Patrick Higgins, you're something else....just beautifully written and this is a keeper! Your parents had such a wonderful time with you. I could hear it all over your mom's voice and stories. You continue to grow up to be an amazing young man. This is from one who watched little Paddy playing in the ditch and catching frogs..."the Patricks" both are so precious and special! Continue to embrace the moments and the experience. Love you, "miss" linda
15th April 2010

The present
Focusing on the present is one of the things i have been working on as of late. as you know a kid we had gone to high school with passed away from meningitis recently. Yet Another moment in my life where i had to realize that life isn't fair, far too short, and far too fragile. much too short to fret the trivial things. Its not worth being angry at someone for forgetting to call you, not worth creating the drama over what you think someone has said behind your back. Instead, understand that things come up, people are entitled to their opinions, and usually that they are formed from truthful events. In turn, i have been focusing on treating my fellow human beings as such. Like humans. By having faith. Being that each person has their own story, their own past present and supposed future, which most likely differs from mine. I feel that we're all in this together. successful species work together to ensure their survival, which is another characteristic im going to try to beef up. And making the most of the time we all have here together. i love reading your blogs Pat, i learn so much, not only about your travels but most of the time, you talk about the same things i am thinking about and your 5000 miles away. funny coincidence. keep up the good work. See you soon. Ted
15th April 2010

its ok...
hahaha i literally laghed out loud for about 5 minutes. sounds like youre having an amazing time. and i wish we were more affectionate with eachother out here in america. seems like we dont spend nearly enough time being friendly with eachother.
11th April 2010

Your prose are hypnotic! See You Soon!
2nd April 2010

Hello from St. Andrews Dr.
Hi Paddy. It's so fun to read your blog. Wow, what an experience. It sounds like you are embracing the people, food and culture! Good for are getting the full experience and it's great to read about. All well here. We have the Eagle Trace Easter Egg hunt tomorrow. Miss you and praying for you. Miss Linda
1st April 2010

A Nice morning read
Patrick, I brought the girls to Colorado Springs for a little break (Spring) from the usual. Free wi-fi in lobby, mocha latte in hand, girls chillin' in the room 5 floors up. I enjoyed reading your blogs immensely. All the morning with all the promise of life and living. Thanks for sharing your life with me Patrick. I love you too!
5th March 2010

Looks like you all had a fabulous time. Nothing like flying through life. Love, Mom
From Blog: Mendoza or Bust
2nd March 2010

Patrick, Your blog is so wonderfully written. I feel like I could see and smell where you are. Take good care of yourself and I will look forward to reading more about your adventures. Love and Prayers, Aunt Karen
From Blog: Porteno Life
26th February 2010

love from Regis
Hi Patrick, I was very happy to read your entries and see what a great experience you're having. I was there years ago and then went on to spend a month in Patagonia -- but I loved BA and am enjoying picturing you there in that huge city with so many different neighborhoods. As always, let me know if I can help in any way from Regis. We all miss you here and send you lots of love. -- DH
23rd February 2010

so hard to follow up with a meaningful comment after reading something you have written so well and so descriptive I could truly picture it and just about feel the rain. I'm so glad you are making the most of every minute, and impressed you're picking up the Spanish so quickly. I agree you have truly awesome parents. Love you Patrick.
15th February 2010

awesome blogin'
Loved reading through this Patrick. You sure have a way with words, and I'm empathizing with your lack of vocabulary in Spanish. But that's what you're there'll pick it up quickly. They don't know what they're missing, cuz we really miss your conversations at the dinner table - so until then, I'll be your avid fan and look forward to your next engaging story. Great pictures too. We love you lots Patrick! Big hugs from us and licks all over your face from the doggies.
From Blog: This Is Real
14th February 2010

I got chills.. <3 you always
From Blog: This Is Real
14th February 2010

dude biiiiird!
How amazing!!! I couldn't believe it when I heard where you had ventured off to! What an incredible experience you are having! I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to see pictures, I know those will be breathtaking. I love you, stay safe :) -me
From Blog: This Is Real
14th February 2010

Patrick - it's so awesome to read your blog - makes me feel like I'm there!! sounds like you are doing great! what a wonderful experience!! and the butterflies :) ...know that Becky is always close... -looking forward to the next entry!! Love you.
From Blog: This Is Real
13th February 2010

Amazing bro. I feel like you are learning what I need to learn, and what we should all strive for. Slowing down and just being human, you know? Don't let the language get you down.. Just be as spongy and patient as possible :) I'm sure you'll be hogging the dinner conversation in time. Your bit about Becky is beautiful. I was thinking about her a bunch this week, and you of course, and I just happen to read what I need in your experiences. Got butterflies inside :) Anyway, I'll try to catch you online later. Love you man, missing you bunches. Tyeasy
From Blog: This Is Real
12th February 2010

Aaawww Pat :)
Heyyyyyyyy friend!! It's super good to read all those wonderful things, it reassures me you're gonna make it! It's not like i was worried about you or anything, but its a whole new world so worrying must just come with the territory. I try so hard to imagine what it would be like to live down there and when i've looked at pic's online it seems just as incredible as you've described! I was sincerely touched with the becky part of this, it made me think about the close person i've lost and the cool hints that they are still there always watching over :) I think about you all the time especially when we do group things, but yet i still feel a little jealous haha. I want to know what it feels like to have free time... to feel liberation! It makes me jealous!! I am looking forward to reading youre next entry! I miss and love you very much!!!!!! Love, Jess
From Blog: This Is Real
9th February 2010

Response to Aunt Nancy
Nancy, As far as the main industries of the city I have yet to discover them overtly. I know that it has a huge port. I am taking a five credit class right now and then I will be taking the normal fifteen starting at the end of this month. The Spanish is quite different than what I learned in the states, they even call it by a different name, Castellano I would say it a majority Spanish with a Portuguese and Italian influences.
From Blog: Porteno Life
9th February 2010

Hi there
So what are the main industries of the city? How many people live there? How many credits will you be taking at the University? Is the Spanish different that the Spanish you learned in the States? I hope you have the best time ever!!!! LLove you so much. Take care. Aunt Nancy
From Blog: Porteno Life
6th February 2010

Great to Hear from you!
Congratulations, Patrick, on arriving and surviving your first hours in Argentina. You have been so blessed to be able to travel and meet others around the world. Your host family sounds great! It will be fun to read your blog. Love, Aunt Karen
From Blog: Arrival
6th February 2010

feels like I am there
Dearest Conor, I felt like I was walking in sandals, the sun burning my toes. then I was enjoying bread and salami in the sand. Keep writing. I am with you. Aunt KIm
From Blog: Porteno Life
6th February 2010

Thanks for sharing Patrick. You must feel overwhelmed at times but it sounds like you are learning to cope with the different situations that come upon you on a constant basis. Hurrah for you. Love you and am looking forward to the pictures whenever they arrive. Be careful and trust your instincts. xo Aunt Jan
From Blog: Porteno Life
5th February 2010

Patrick, You have an amazing amount of talent when it comes to writing. I feel like I'm actually there when I read these descriptions. Sounds absolutely beautiful. I simply can't wait to see the amazing pictures you have in store for us. Super jealous that you can wear sandles.. Keep on keepin on my man!
From Blog: Porteno Life
5th February 2010

What a beautifully descriptive account of your week! Enjoy you weekend.
From Blog: Porteno Life
5th February 2010

From Blog: Porteno Life

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