Onja Bock


Onja Bock

Adventurous single 40+ woman, loves to travel light. For adventure, meditation, exploration, meeting fabulous folks from all over the world! I live in the US, but am a citizen of the world!

Africa September 9th 2010

Well, i am in training for the big hike! Spending time in the gym and walking as much as i can. Too bad it is at 530 ft and not 4,000ft! I will get to Hanging Rock this weekend and hike up to 2500 ft .... see how i do.... Ya never know! Any advise on training, please let me know! ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro August 2nd 2010

Well, it is done! AFter an unbelievable amount of time on the computer - i have booked my KLM flight to Kilimanjaro International Airport and my Trek up Mt Kili with a safari in the Serengeti! I leave September 25th! I cannot believe i am really going. This has been a long held dream. It may still feel like a dream during and after the trip! Now comes the packing - which means buying excersions! which means REI,.... here i come!... read more

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