NickTravelling's Guestbook

25th November 2010

sorry to hear that you were so sick. it must have been bad to cause to to cut your trip short. i am settling in here more and more. things are looking up.
24th November 2010

You Are a Champ : )
I am sooooo disappointed that you are cutting you journey short. Mainly for you, but almost as much for me! Your blogs have been so wonderful and the photography spectacular (if you took them all). Are you sure you want to go home? I hope you don't regret that decision... I am most devastated that we aren't going to Antarctica! : ( Fully understand about the culture shock tho. Very similar to our experience in Vietnam. The organised chaos, noise and poverty - I can't wait to go back next year. As for your response Hanan, your reasonable English seems to have completely overlooked Nick's positive enthusiasm for your country and you have obviously misunderstood his comments. On the basis of his comments alone I will one day fulfil my dream of visiting Egypt. Look at the policeman photo again, read the comment and think about how it is applied.... It is a compliment about your police looking after and protecting tourists. : ) Please let me know when you arrive back safely Nick? I will worry otherwise! xox
24th November 2010

You are a good writer
If you ever want to think of a career change, you should consider something related to writing with a descriptive aspect - you had me really interested in all your blogs, not just this one. I am sad and glad for you. Ben is looking forward to seeing you - remember his birthday party is on the 28th, with a few kids coming also. Oh, and if I haven't yet mentioned it - the duty-free stores may still want to take your money, even if it is on the return journey - ahhh, perfume smells wonderful! (Only kidding - your backpack must be breaking the scales and your back!)
23rd November 2010

I never meant to offend the people of Egypt. I was simply writing things as to how I had viewed them, with hopefully no judgment attached... and I made a point of saying how warm and friendly the locals are. I am sure if I came here another time and stayed in a family's home, to experience some of the difficulties you face, I would write something different. Until then though I can only tell people how I have viewed things.
23rd November 2010

no place like home indead and Egypt is my home
So said that we receive people like you here in Egypt and welcome them !!!if you don't accept that maybe we face problems here in economy or politicaly and maybe this soemtimes doesn't not allowed to us to be CIVILIZED as your country is ...then stay home..yes you might not like a place or attitude ..but don't ever judge us..egyptians...without staying with us enough time..and you know what.. i have just read another blog about two americans doing the tour of Egypt..they saw and hear more than what you did... but even bad stuff ..they described it from another point of view..using other expressions ...cause it depends on the person he sees things and to which limit he can accpet being different or poor or not well educated or stylish AS UR COUNTRY IS...and by the way..the poor police guy in photos not for tourist only..we had more police guys ready in street and every where more than in fact i n France a rubbery was happened in Champs Elysee when i was there and no police guy came or even show up so i prefer to have them every where than to not see them bref.. don't travel indead better to stay home..
23rd November 2010

Wow! You are so good at writing blogs. You bring the reader with you. Congratulations. I am so proud.
14th November 2010

Ham, Egypt, Egyptian cotton
But do the different types of ham actually taste any different? And what type of food do Egyptians wear? Oh, and as you may have guessed, from your preparations, I am VERY excited about your next leg. You will have to live Egypt for me, with lots of photos. I am sure it is not what the books (novels/stories) portray, but I still am fascinated by them. And I wonder if the phrase "Egyptian cotton" actually has any link with Egypt..?
12th November 2010

You are so good at writing, Nick. I really enjoyed this. I've printed it out to give to Grandma.
12th November 2010

My preference was Magnums, but I'm trying others this time. He isn't any trouble to carry and no one has said anything, a few funny looks maybe. And I've only just posted 4kg of clothes and shoes home, so now I actually have space in my pack to collect things.
11th November 2010

Good to see puppy enjoying the travel also. Is it annoying carrying him around? Have you received any comments about him? A few of your photos show artwork - have you purchased any for your house?
11th November 2010

Bike riding
Glad to hear you enjoyed it. Going on the last time you travelled, you enjoyed the ice-creams (you had a preference, but I can't recall the name..Magnums?) so you could have had 10 a day on that bike ride! Glad to hear the weather was on your side. Here in Townsville, it has been raining for the last 2-3 days.
31st October 2010

Apparently we do have Seville oranges in Australia, but they aren't common. Their only cooking use is for making marmalade, because they are so bitter and sour. Start cooking Charlie!
31st October 2010

i will be interested to hear your comments about the bicycle tour. do we grow Seville oranges in Australia?
30th October 2010

Hi, Sounds like you are having a great time ... although Shane laughed at your understanding now of why aisle seats are good. Now you know why he ALWAYS asks for one. Next time take Brooke with you - she will help you with the Spanish - years of watching Dora the Explorer.
26th October 2010

Having fun in Singapore
Hey Hey : ) What a wonderful blog! (Try re-reading it when your sober Charlie!!! ). Sounds like you are really enjoying your experience. In my very limited travelling, Singapore was one of my favourite places, but we had fresh air and blue skies with no sign of any smog when it wasn't raining. Your photos are awesome! Can't wait for Spain.
25th October 2010

sounds hot. maybe like Darwin. it sounds like you are enjoying yourself. great. i had to concrentate to read your blog. too many beers.
25th October 2010

Yeah it does seems real ...the hotel was pretty nice, and the breakfasts were yummy. It's a bugger that Ben can now open the garage door ... but maybe you could train hum to be your own walking remote control.
22nd October 2010

What are your first impressins of Singapore?
So first impressions? And does the trip seem real yet? Meaning, actually being on the trip, not just planning it.
20th October 2010

Well the map is great. I am so jealous!!! I still thought you had another week to go, so didn't get a chance to say bon voyage and have the best time ever. Travel safely and I will be eagerly pursuing your adventures via your blog! Sam : )
20th October 2010

Have a fabulous time!!!
I am sure you will have a blast. Looking forward to the blogs and the photos.
20th October 2010

Happy and Healthy Travelling
Thanks for the blog. I'm printing out the map for mum. Be careful. Lots of love
20th October 2010

sounds like it was hard to pack for. enjoy
6th July 2010

I didn't taste the chocolate myself, but I took the picture because the name stood out. Their website seems to only deliver to The Netherlands and Germany, however there are two stores in New York City ... maybe contact them and arrange something.
25th June 2010
An Australian Chocolate Shop

Stumbled upon your chance can you tell me where I can buy that brand of chocolate and have it shipped to the states!? It is the best!
8th November 2008

A very amusing account. And the pictures are great.

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