Michellita's Guestbook

25th July 2010

Mic helle, Imagine, I am just now reading this great article! I am still not open--but am still trying to do so...the recession hit me hard and I have not yet recovered. I am thrilled with you reaction to the Coast and Bluefields. Let me know what you are doing now. Carol Also, I would love to get in touch with Nabiha Glennon (see her April 4th comment below.).
18th May 2010

Hi Michelle, What fun to read where you have been and what you have seen, you have such a passion for this country and the people you have fallen in love with. You go girl!!! Love, Kathy
17th May 2010

Michelle, such an interesting article and you are such a teacher, with words of wisdom at such an early age. Keep having fun doing what you're doing and enjoying life. It is a trip. Can't wait to exchange words with you. BTY we were in Minneapolis yesterday and I was thinking about you as I was enjoying the skyline.We were checking out Target Field as we'll be going to a game in June for my Birthday. Love to you sweet one, remember me in your prayers and I will do the same. Aunt Sharon, no Bob on this one.
17th May 2010

I Hear you
Hi I saw the link to your blog on Ivis's facebook and Just wanted to to let you know I enjoyed and related to it. I also find the people here amazing and so, so friendly and generally happy (which is pretty incredible given the levels of poverty and difficulties they face on a daily basis. ) Last night was my first evening in the rocking chair and book, muttering a quiet 'adios' to all who passed. Most Tranquil and natural. I think the western world could obviously help and teach Nicaragua a few things but Also the people could a learn alot about making do and enjoying what we have rather than complaining about what is still missing (which generally is pretty little). I hope to get around to writing a blog one of these days... I have visited a lot of Nicaragua now but seen very little of Managua due, mostly, to having been scared off with various horror storoes. Nice to know you had a mostly positive experience there. Regards Karen
5th May 2010

Buena Suerte Michelle! Saludos a tus amigos en Nicaragua, Nos vemos en 3 semanas. Un millon de gracias por continuar ensenando en GAP. Cuidate mucho. -Erika.
4th April 2010

Green Hills/Bluefields
Very interesting blog. I was born in Bluefields, but have not been back since 1979. I want to take my children to visit but have no family or friends left in Bluefields. We are going in August 2010 and would like to know if you could share your friend's Carol Biden's number/ email address. We would be really interested in staying at her farm. Thanks for the info.
2nd March 2010

I'm glad you are safe
Hello! As soon as I heard of the earthquake, I thought of you. As sad as you are that you won't be able to go there right now, it wasn't your time. You have so much to offer to so many and there will be more opportunities out there for you. Are you still in MN? I'm going with Friends of the Orphans to El Salvador in May. I'm very excited and I will be meeting with D'Anne Briggs today about our trip to Nicaragua this summer. I wish you could go! Give thanks to God for keeping you safe so that you may bring peace and joy to those you have yet to meet. Keep the faith my good friend!
From Blog: Chile
1st December 2009

Hey Michelle, you make a great auntie very proud, and actually this came at a very good time. I was having a pity party and your article was sent to me like a message from above. Thanks Michell, and I love you. Aunt Sharon
11th November 2009

i was born in Bluefields, and now i moved 2 new york a few years ago. i miss bluefields and these pics reminded me of back home. i soon go back down there thou.
27th October 2009

I have ben looking at pictures from bluefield and corn island i have some plan to visit there soon I like to experience other places i come from and island as well and so far i lke what i see in the island
22nd October 2009

Galce- Thanks for your kind words. You must understand service too, because you are a police officer. Isn't it great to give back to others? Take care and talk soon! Tu hermana en Barcelona, Michellita
19th October 2009

Great words Michelle. Interesantes reflexiones... Me ha gustado mucho el blog. Te felicito por lo que has hecho. Creo que has ayudado mucho, y seguro que para ti tambien te ha servido... :) Spanish friend
25th April 2009

I read your whole blog and it was really great the way you interact with everyone. I really hope you make it to Bluefields. Do a huge post about the people and how they live and the trash and if the bay stinks and the food and everything. No travelbloggers ever go to Bluefields and I have been waiting and waiting for someone to visit and I hope you make it there and do just a huge blog all about Bluefields!! I was thinking about moving to Bluefields but no one ever visits there. I bet it is like the best place. All remote like an island but still on the mainland. Good luck with your trip.
From Blog: Summertime
23rd March 2009

even after almost a year I feel warm and home when I read your blog. I still miss the kids and the house so much. keep writing!! abrazos manh hung.
29th August 2008

hey michelle, just wanted to leave a short note. it is really a treat to read your blog especially now as i cannot be with you guys anymore. but your blog gives me a good feeling of crazy nph life. thanks for that. manh hung.
16th July 2008

your blog
I have been reading your blogs for a while now. I just thought to leave a message for you because you said your devoted readers are your parent and relatives and I dont qualify on that category. However, I am originally from El Salvador and live now in Michigan I have been on some of those places you describe and your blog brings good memories. Por favor cuidate mucho en esas lejanas tierras y escribinos mas sobre tus aventuras. Pasala bien Adios.
20th April 2008

Love the storys
Michelle, Love your storys so much. Very time I read them though, I feel warm that you are back at your home base and safe, because I am reading about them. Out wondering on the Island by yourself is unsetteling but very fun to read about. You are going to learn so much through this and God and I continue to be so proud of you. God has many more surprises in store for you. Love DAD
10th March 2008

It sounds like you are having fun and learning a lot there! It sounds like you enjoy those kids a lot!
From Blog: The Life
9th March 2008

You should write a book
Michelle, Your entrys are so detailed. You have a gift of being able to log everything on paper that you have lived on a minute by minute bases. Your entrys I am sure, could be a very good start to a wonderful movie about NPH. I love reading your bolgs. It is like being with you as you live from day to day. My heart is to you as you please your Lord and I. Love for ever and ever, DAD
From Blog: The Life
23rd February 2008

I can really picture this
Hi Michellita; I love the way you write. I have read several of your entries and can visualize every one, especially this last one. I can picture the kids, on their way to school, wearing their uniforms and with parents and relatives along with them. You should really think about doing creative writing or putting a book together about your experiences. It is so great that God is working through you to teach these young minds. You remarked; "...what if these seeds shall multiply past the year?" My response would be; they have already been planted and soon will begin to sprout. Perhaps not all of them, but even if it's just a few, God will surely be pleased. Take care, Michellita and God Bless! Steve C.
21st February 2008

Que linda aventura
Querida Michelle, Me encantaria estar en tu lugar. Creo que muchos de nosotros aqui en GAP podemos identificarnos contigo. Aun no leo los otros diarios pero estoy segura que cada dia te sientes mejor. Apuesto a que duermes muy bien por las noches despues de trabajar tanto. Estamos en contacto. Saludos a tus ninos. -Erika
18th February 2008

I know what gallo pinto is silly... Adios (goodbye) :) Michelle
From Blog: Some Time Away
18th February 2008

Couldn't help to comment
Hey, I see you're keeping yourself busy and enjoying your time in Nicaragua. That's great! However, what's wrong with having gallo pinto (rice and beans) everyday??!?!?!?!??!!?!?!? isn't it the best food ever? :P Jorge
From Blog: Some Time Away
9th February 2008

Michelle, Oh my you can surely tell a story. After reading your entry it was like I was there. Love as always, DAD
From Blog: Some Time Away
30th January 2008

A Different Type of Paycheck
It's completely understandable to have those kinds of questions and feelings when adjusting to the type of "culture shock" you described. You're right, there's no monetary compensation here. However, every time I read your journal, I'm amazed and humbled by the priceless insights and experiences that you receive each day. I remember too all the little miracles that brought you to where you are. I hope these thoughts bring you encouragement. We're here for you!

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