Dolemitesprint's Guestbook

11th March 2010

My friend you are very blessed
Brennan your keeping me spiritually alive with these stories of life love and travels.I feel like the kid in the never Ending Story that locks himself in the closet to read the next chapter and I am so living thru you. Your writing is such a gift as is your humor which I understand so well.I admire your fierce determination to reach you destinations through hell and high water and read between the lines when language is just a barrier.When you get settled somewhere I would love to meet you there and catch up on your tales of life.I'm so very proud of you.
9th March 2010

I do sometimes feel lonely (I'm a scorpio, so I'm known for selfish reclusion at times!), but I guess I distract myself by making new friends nearly EVERY DAY. It's not a formula that non-travelers can emmulate very well, so I'm pretty lucky to live this way.
2nd March 2010

Thank you for saying such nice things Paul. I'm just living life and "putting it on wax" as they say in the music biz. I have great admiration for you as well. Let's just turn this thing into a big lovefest and I'll tell you how much I love the deep imagination in your paintings and in the music you write. I am blessed to know you in my life. I do very much hope to see you again!
2nd March 2010

Calabria bella
Hi Maurizio, I love that you are getting a kick out of my blog. Calabrian people a fantastic and friendly, I am very impressed. I was only kidding about that being my vehicle. That thing is marooned up on the hill, and has probably been there for years!
2nd March 2010

Thanks Claire
It was wonderful visiting you, I am glad to hear the temperature has warmed up for you! I hope your new flat feels like a happy new home. Best, B
28th February 2010

What an inspiration you are!!!
Brennan, you are such an inspiration!! Did you say you were going to write a book at the end of your travels? Will there be an end to your travles? I have to say I would love to see your face again but wouldn't blame you if you made one of these beautiful places, HOME (I would just have to come for a visit :-)). Well, I wish you nothing but the safest and best of luck on your continuation of the dream you are living. Peace my brother, Paul
28th February 2010

Caro Bernardo by travel-rage I did mean nothing "rabbioso" but only your fierce will to know more and more of you ancestral relatives and a better and clearer knowledge of your partially known italian roots.You wonder about the generosity of the calabrian people.I am glad you had to change your mind about that. I was admiring you clean and shaved face.Yes you right you look much better and I wish you to meet the right girl before you retourn to the States. Ciao and keep sending the magnificent stories of the european trotting on a "vespetta". A propo did you buy a car? If yes,try to park next time in a better position. ciao maurizio
28th February 2010

warmer now
hello brennan i am happy to see that your trip is giong well . it seem to be warmer in the place you are now.We live in my new flat with the girls and the spring is also comming here.It was nice to meet you and youare welcome if you pass claire
28th February 2010

not raging
Hi Mauizio, Oh, I wasn't all that angry or anything, I was just surprised that they would ask me the question. I sometimes write with more fiery words than I live by!
28th February 2010

what an experience!
Caro Bernardo, back from a short holiday on the snow north of Italy (Brunico) and one week in Germany I had to "bitterly" smile to your experience you had to soffer in Calabria whith the ancient albanian people of this wonderfull country.I fell sorry for you but negative experince have to be taken into consideration and situation like you had, might happen in every part of the world.Therefor keep high you travel-rage and stand eventual "insult" to your goodwill of globetrotter, Saluti and ciao Maurizio
22nd February 2010

The Albanese language is an ancient derrivative of the lingua greccia in Calabria. This whole region was dominated by the Greeks prior to the Romans, and they left behind their Griko language as well. The duplicating names could be coincidental.
21st February 2010

Shame I was right about the cold, but it just goes to show that statistics can lie. By the way, albanese means Albanian, so you'd have had a hard time getting your tongue round that version of Italian. Did your host or her nephew explain this? These were small communities of Albanians that arrived in Italy in the 15th century and stayed in some parts of Calabria and Sicily. Have fun.
12th February 2010

Thank you Maurizio! I am so happy to hear you are enjoying reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it. Enjoy Germany!! I hope to visit later this year. You have to cross Austria first though, have a good trip.
12th February 2010

CARISSIMO BERNARDO! really magnificient your blog.We commented your news from Naples. A real scoop.We think your blog's readers would enjoe very much the experience you are having in Italy.Tommorow we will be in Germany and nexst week on the mountains near Bolzano with a bunch of friends. Ciao and keep sending your news ciao maurizio.
8th February 2010

Hey, thanks for saying so Gilbert. Thanks for being an awesome guy and a good friend!
7th February 2010

Brennan, I really enjoyed your pictures and commentary. Keep it up.
5th February 2010

Yay, Siena!
Siena is one of my favorite places, especially because of the Piazza. In the summer, people camped out on the cobblestones as they would on a sandy beach, watching people, talking, playing games, making out... a little of everything. Just a fantastic place. Hopefully you visited the Duomo and saw St. Catherine's head in a box, too. Only in Italy. ; )
30th January 2010

Yay! Finally a picture of the famous Vespa. I was wanting to see this darling little machine that has been taking repeated thrashings. :P
30th January 2010

I like how you keep slipping in car facts. Jeff could care less about cars, but I'm totally wowed by some of the stuff you've seen, including the cars. :D You seem to be enjoying the beautiful scenery and hospitality. I would've thought food too, but... well, didn't you get enough mayo in HI? :P
27th January 2010

Ha, I didn't even realize I'd left a sock! It's okay though. You can read the rest of my stories from that same blog if you click on "dolemitesprint". Glad you liked it
27th January 2010

Well done !
What happened next? I like your writing. If you remain in Vendée your love for old stone might become a heavy burden. There is just too much of it. I found your knickers and one sock. all dried up and wrinkled in the washing machine. If you leave more of your clothing with your hosts, you may have to ride your bike in Adam's suit. Hope you are fine. Jonnie
25th January 2010

What a Trip!
Hi Brennan, I must say I'm enjoying your posts very much. And the videos and photos are really great. I had to use a sketchbook and a pencil when I was there--a nice way to consider things, but that seems prohibitively slow in light of all you are doing. As long as we are on the topic of movies, do keep your eyes open for Bramasole; not sure where it is, but you are covering so many small and out-of-the-way places, you might just find it! The weather in Seattle has been unseasonably warm, in the 50's, 10 degrees higher than normal for the last few weeks. I'll put in a request to send some of that your way, but I can't guarantee. It's all good though, it's all good. Love from your AC
23rd January 2010

Mi amico Sergio
Awww, Sergio ... noi vi amiamo e Cinzia e amato il nostro tempo con voi. Non ritengo che il mio blog di giornalismo, che viene pubblicato esclusivamente per intrattenere i miei amici a casa e le persone che incontro nel mio viaggio. Mi rendo conto ogni singola cosa che hai fatto per us.I anche apprezzare il fatto che il tuo amico trascorso sei ore preparare il cibo che abbiamo mangiato - è per questo che ho mangiato tanto. Non ho mai solito mangiare di tutto con la maionese perché mi fa male. Alex and I love you very much. Alcuni dettagli sono solo aggiunti per intrattenere.
23rd January 2010

Questa pagina di diario è scritta in maniera molto giornalistica e poco veritiera. Brennan dice che alla cena della vigilia di Natale tutti i cibi erano a base di maionese. In realtà c'era solo l'insalata russa (che non conosci perché sei statunitense; forse preferisci il McNugget del McDonald's) che la signora che ti ospitava ha impiegato sei ore a preparare, perché ha tagliato tutte le verdure a mano. Quindi, per lo meno, un po' di rispetto. Altro che chiudere gli occhi e buttare giu... Inoltre ti ho visto mangiare, perché ero seduto alla tua destra e mi pare che tu abbia mangiato a quattro palmenti, facendo spesso il bis e il tris... Poi è divertente ma falso che ogni volta che il ragazzo rumeno segnava un punto alla Play station ogni membro della famiglia andava a battergli la mano sulla spalla e a complimentarsi con lui. Inoltre il ragazzo non ha nulla di punk, come si può anche constatare dal video che hai pubblicato. Gabriele (Gabriele e non Gabrielle) non ha passato tutto il giorno di Natale a letto a fumare. Se poi i tuoi abiti puzzavano un po' di fumo, che dire: ringrazia che ti abbiamo prestato i nostri e che abbiamo asciugati i tuoi, altrimenti saresti andato in giro bagnato come un pulcino. Insomma, dal quadro che hai tracciato della tua permanenza da noi risulta un panorama da divertente paese del terzo mondo... Infine credo che non sia legale pubblicare fotografie di minori senza autorizzazione. Buon viaggio e torna a trovarci quando vuoi. Ciao. Sergio
14th January 2010

miss you too
Hi Gene! I plan to visit Oregon in November, but unless somebody ties me down back there, I don't expect to live in the USA anymore. The recent health care debacle made it clear that the US will never have a public health care system - at least not during my child-rearing years! The only responsible thing to do is to move to a country where you can feel secure about the health system... I'll be back to visit though!

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