D MJ Binkley's Guestbook

13th October 2012

mad drivers in Nepal
I know, I know about the potholes, I was only talking about the 'attitude' of the fast drivers regarding mere mortals driving slower as a nuisance! Nepalese drivers may not be so different after all :-) Perhaps you could put photos of the road too... Keep trucking!
13th October 2012

Oh yes, agree with you.
We do seem to be a nuisance at times. I'll look for a photo of the road.
12th October 2012

I've been to Nepal but only on a short visit, and not to Lumbini. Can't wit to hear more stories! Btw, those are truly great shots. I'm traveling with you. And yes, Buddhism is fascinating. Very admirable how they strive for peace and harmony in their lives.
13th October 2012

It is all about balance
The Buddhist do seem to have it figured out. Enjoying our last day in Nepal...and then on to Bhutan.
11th October 2012

Very nice reading, thanks for sharing your mad driving in Nepal! You say: "In Nepal, when you are passing someone and the oncoming vehicle flashes lights at you it means they are in a hurry (....and you should get out of the way!)"... well, I've had that happen to me on an Autobahn in Germany!! Your photos are great too! Thanks.
12th October 2012

Yes, the autobahn can be crazy
But-- the good thing about the autobahn is it is paved and does not have potholes! Happy Travels.
11th October 2012

Next stop?
Mmm always wanted to visit Nepal.
11th October 2012

Hi Mert
Great hearing from you. Nepal is a diverse country and should be considered. We have a few more days here before heading to Bhutan.
11th October 2012

Really looks like you had a great time at the Octoberfest. I went there myself along with an American and English girl back in 1974 driving a Volkswagon Van up from Athens Greece and through Italy and Austria on the way. It was a great time and one I still think of as one of my best trips. The American girl had friends in Munich and it really helped having people who knew the way around as well as a place we could stay at. It took me over a week to get from Athens to Munich exploring along the way, and camping in the van. It was a great trip.
11th October 2012

Sounds like a fantastic trip you had back in the 70's
Always good to have a local showing you the ropes. Would love to have made that camper van trip. Sounds like great memories.
11th October 2012

Hi Merry & Dave, I love this blog! I really enjoyed the story about the Buddah and Buddhism. Hope you're having a great time! take care
11th October 2012

Hello Jennifer
Great hearing from you again. There is so much to learn out there and Buddhism makes so much sense. Glad you enjoyed it. It was cool seeing the birthplace of Buddha.
10th October 2012

I'm so glad that you are loving Nepal :)
It's like a second home to me....After Vietnam that is ;) You will be happy to know that the temperatures in Pokhara are somewhat cooler too. If you get a chance, pop into Moondance and say hello to the old place for me :) I soooooo wish that I was back there with you right now.
11th October 2012

Yes, it should sound like home to you.
We've been in Pokhara for the past 4 nights. A blog will come soon. This is our favorite town in Nepal. What a great feel it has about it.
10th October 2012

Love the pictures- sure is a different world! What an adventure!
10th October 2012

Hi Lydia,
Yes, Nepal is a beautiful and rugged country. Dave made a joke today as we went up a hill full of potholes that he would never be able to make fun of the roads in Pittsburgh again. Ha, ha.
10th October 2012
Street performer

Loved the feel of your stories and the photos in this blog...you are in the Himalayas...how good is that! Like your explanation for reckless driving...is it a karma thing or just riding your luck? Guess it comes back to the karma thing...whatever will be will be.
10th October 2012
Street performer

Musicians can be found around the world
He was pretty good and having fun. Glad you enjoy the stories. We are meeting lots of great people and love getting to know Nepal a bit better.
10th October 2012

The roads sound scary...
The very first episode of World's Most Dangerous Roads we watched was in Nepal in the rainy season...we've since decided that we are never watching the show again or we'll never travel in Asia or South America! Hope you are both well :)
10th October 2012

We can drink to that!
Many near misses....even without the rain. Evidentially, there is not a universal definition for the word "road". I frequently shut my eyes and hold my breath. Thanks for following along with us.
10th October 2012
Keeping an eye on things

love this photo :)
10th October 2012
Keeping an eye on things

She was so sweet
She smiled and waved and watched us exploring.
10th October 2012

Beautiful and Interesting!
As always, your pictures are fascinating. Your pictures of the people are wonderful. Thanks for including information about the Noble eightfold path. Take care and keep enjoying the adventure! Anne and Bill
10th October 2012

Dear Anne and Bill,
So great to hear from you. Glad you are following along. We are learning so much as we move around the world. Keep in touch.
9th October 2012

this is very good country

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