D MJ Binkley's Guestbook

13th May 2015

Probably won the World's Biggest Burger for the day...but did it break any records? what about the burger eating contest? 8 burgers in 10 minutes...bet the crowd was cheering them on for that one!
13th May 2015

The mighty size of american food portions
I remember being amazed at the size of the food portions when we were in the States, we would go to a dinner for breakfast, take what we couldn't eat and have it for lunch! I love dinners, they should be everywhere... maybe with smaller portions, though ;)
14th May 2015

The mighty size
Dave and I generally split an entree. We were surprised in Australia that the portions were just as large. We've always thought the Americans were the only ones to supersize.
13th May 2015
Pure Happiness

Sweet, sincere and so funny!
These small town celebrations are so sweet with the whole town turning out, but "we have flippage" takes it to a new level. So funny the fire dept grappling with the cooking feat, but the burger in this photo is gigantic--how did she/anyone eat it? Great story about why they invented the onion burger. I never really liked meat, so as a child, I'd pull off the burger and pile on the onions, tomatoes, cheese, etc. My parents called it a blunder burger. To each her own.
14th May 2015
Pure Happiness

Sweet and sincere
I saw this little girl a couple of times and I can't say she finished it but she was certainly trying. She looked incredibly happy. She sat near us while they were cooking and she could not take her eyes off the process.
13th May 2015

Flipping burgers
That was fun! Thanks for sharing
14th May 2015

Flipping burgers
Small town America offers plenty of fun at festivals.
13th May 2015

Burger Me
Fun slice of history! Thanks for the post!
14th May 2015

Burger Me
These events are always fun. Years of history in this festival.
13th May 2015

A mighty flippage feat!
Wow, we know why they were proudly shouting out that they had flippage...of course you'd be proud of flipping that burger! Burger and fries for breakfast sounds good, the portion looked huge, we'd have split it too!
13th May 2015

A might flippage feat
It really was amazing to watch the process. Thinking about the weight of the grill they have created and the weight of the burger it was amazing to see all the mechanics necessary in pulling this off safely. They even drained the grease so now one got hot grease on them when they flipped it and they had to move fast. It truly was interesting. We love the small town American festivals.
13th May 2015

oh the Burgers!
I do miss the typical American style (veggie) burgers with side order of fries! BTW is that really half a order of fries, and the full order is double that ??!!
13th May 2015

Oh the burgers!
We Americans do know how to do a burger, big, small, or veggie. Yes that is indeed a half order of fries. The full order looked more than double as it was heaping. Far too big
27th April 2015

Great meeting you!
Both, last week at LURES! Next time you are in the greater annapolis area, please give me a yell (301 318 6530) and I'll treat you to some tasty beers someplace!!!! God speed and safe passages on your many travels! Bill Hocking
10th April 2015

Happy 21st!
Looks like an amazing trip! All that yummy food.
10th April 2015

Hello Michael
Our dear long lost friend. I'll have to send an email and get caught up. It was a fun long weekend. Lots of great food. We miss you.
8th April 2015

Foodie heaven
What a way to spend your anniversary. ... Happy times. And what amazing food and minions too. Another place in the US for me to visit. It's useful to know about the taxi problems ... Booking a shuttle or cab prior to arrival sounds like a good idea.
8th April 2015

Foodie heaven
Pre-booking transportation is not a bad idea but we did learn all we needed to do was walk to the far end of the pick up area and there was another stand with few people. I imagine that is the one all the locals walk to. We saw it as we were leaving with the limo driver. Yes please put New Orleans on your list.
7th April 2015

So, we'd better visit NO one day...
You mentioned NYC and SF as being "cities with charm and their own special character" and went on to include NO on that list. We have visited two of the three and agree with you there. So I guess we have to visit New Orleans one day then because there we haven't yet been. /Ake
8th April 2015

You'd better visit
Hey Ake, yes, you should add it to the list. A unique city and you'll have a good time.
7th April 2015

Happy 21st anniversary!
Now that's how to have a good time! Sounds like fun and the food looks yummy. Congrats to both of you.
7th April 2015

Happy 21st
Thanks Alma always a good town to celebrate in.
6th April 2015

Happy 21st Binkleys! NOLA is an enchanting place and I love love cajun food! I remember going out to the swamps and having a crawdad feast with a bunch of fun lovin' bayou boys, the day after marti gras. Such a fun place!
6th April 2015

NOLA is enchanting
Love, love, love the cajun food. Crawdad festivals are a blast, back to the basics. Glad you have such great memories.

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