BlissLauraM's Guestbook

10th April 2011

Love Affair
All the girls fight over who gets to push this one little boy in the play car. He is like I do not want to be pushed, but as soon as I turn around they are back again until he gives up and goes and plays somewhere else. Of course they follow.
20th March 2011

Yes they are very cute and adorable, from a different country but very much the same . Kids are the same all over the world and always cute.
24th February 2011
New Year's Eve

too adorable!!!
24th February 2011

Awww how cute and sweet. Those little faces totally focused on learning their name.
18th February 2011

farther away from Beijing
actually lately Beijing is the worst place because there is more money, lots of cirriculum planners and westerners with higher education won't work in Beijing because it ruins their reputation
18th February 2011

Americans in Beijing
Brenna is my friend who came to visit, I didn't meet her here
From Blog: Brenna!
17th February 2011

Cool, how do you find these Americans in Bejing? There was a summer school program in Beijing that julie was looking at, until we saw the price.
From Blog: Brenna!
10th February 2011

Gung Hay Fat Choy!
Someone told Matt and me once that the farther away you get from Beijing, the less regulated and restrictive things are. We were in Kunming, Yunnan Province, I believe, when Lunar New Year occurred. Fireworks and firecrackers everywhere, and one of us almost blew our hand off, but I can't remember who. The explosion must have knocked it from my senses. Anyway, we are lucky. You're a rabbit, eh? I'm a horse, and Matt's a monkey. He keeps joking about this being the year of the "metal rabbit" and headbanging with his hand making the devil sign. Silly, eh? Heh, now I sound Canadian. Anyway, keep the posts coming. We miss you!
10th February 2011

Good for You!
Dear Bliss, It's good to see that you're already gleaning some value from this very difficult experience. Often, it's life's hardships that help us achieve things we wouldn't have thought possible otherwise. I, too, have become more understanding of people whose second language is English. Don't give up, and I'm glad you can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Love, Colleen
8th February 2011

Love it!
From Blog: more Chingrish
7th February 2011

That is the way to do. Look for what you know. The rest will come in time or you will be home and not need it anymore. Love you.
5th February 2011

ditto what kate said and I'm loving the rabbit hand warmer....
4th February 2011

Chinese New Year
So that is why people keep telling me happy New Year in February. What fun! How awesome. Love you and miss you.
2nd February 2011

Peanut Butter
You ate enough as a child to keep you going.:)
1st February 2011

Peanut Butter
Jerry and I had been in China and Tibet for about a week and a half when our tour took us to Shanghai. As our tour bus was headed toward the hotel we saw a McDonald's. After we checked into the hotel, we were free to eat in the hotel or elsewhere. We headed to the McDonald's and ordered a small burger, fries and a chocolate shake. It tasted so good. Even though it was our 44th wedding anniversary date, that is an anniversary dinner I'll always remember.
1st February 2011
Tucker and Wealsy

1st February 2011
she loves her coat

1st February 2011

you're so beautiful!
29th January 2011

yes apparently I have proved myself to be a man according to Mao :)
28th January 2011

I would think that would be breathtaking, a bit overwhelming, but definitely awesome and a once in a lifetime opportunity. Such rich history and years of stories. So now you are a man according to Mao?
24th January 2011

Love you
Love you, Miss you. Love the pictures.
From Blog: more Chingrish
16th January 2011

That explains alot. Package is in the mail. Love you. Miss you.
11th January 2011

Ok so this is why you called him a "friend" in the most recent posting!? Can we have like an emergency phone call or something? Because now Im can you guys have time apart in freakin' CHINA!!! Tell him you can have time apart when you get back to the US where you have plenty of friends and family that can be there for you and kick somebody's ass for you. Can I say ass on this blog? Anyway are you ok? I mean you said you were ok, but are you really?
From Blog: update
11th January 2011

Something about subways makes me feel important, like I must be going some where and doing something special. Maybe thats because Im a small town girl in the midwest.
7th January 2011

Well you have learned alot about life in a short time. In my mind there is someone in the Us embassy that could help you. So what is plan now?

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