Bekah's Guestbook

20th September 2006

Rebekah, This is for me, one of your most powerful entries. As I feel myself becoming daily more attached to South Africa, your words resonate so clearly with me... Bekah, this is some of the best writing i have read from you... thanks for bringing your experiences to life for me once again. i love you. srh
19th September 2006

Great Photos!
Can't wait to visit Korea someday. I just recently read Lonely Planet's Guide to Korea. Thanks for sharing the photos and your thoughts!
17th September 2006

Bekah, Just got back from Spring Break last night..checking my clogged up emails and I found this jewel...always love to see and read your tales.. As for me, you'll see some pictures soon..i'm exhaused from a week of traveling the coast but feeling great... gal, I miss you..and I LOVE YOU. Take Care, srh
17th September 2006

Rebekah can you please stop writing..... because I really want to go back to the tropical island when I read all this ;) I recovered soon by the way. So the island-doctor was not not that bad maybe, although we saw her working at a bar in the afternoon!
13th September 2006

:D :D
hello rebekah dear.. dont worry i haven''t forgotten about calling you tonight. i like your entry... especially the cute little crabs ... and the one in jan's hand. I really hope that i get to come and visit you for fall break... <3 <3 jen
28th August 2006

hey rebecca
Have reada all your entries so far - pretty cool - i would have loved to visit angkor wat! what is ur email address rebecca?
28th August 2006

once again, amazing photos...i mean, your pics are always breathtaking so it's nothing new :) Maybe you could do a blog on Maryville, you know, a really good sattire highlighting all the high points, emphasizing that it's one of the top places in the country to retire, devoting some pictures to huddle house and the covenant stone...I see real prospects there... gal, i love you and i miss you tons and I expect an email from you soon.. i mean, when the heck are you moving back into the dorms? keep me posted sistah. peace. l
23rd August 2006

I am lucky enough to read the lonely planet earlier,so i won't get to the scam bus thingy..however, i was trap at what they claimed to be bus stop..i still doubt it..well, i got frustrated by how the people there trying to manipulate you.. i ended up pay a bit much as i insisted to go for taxi, camry. i was almost begging three Good Koreans to share the taxi with me as i don't want to stay there anymore..thank God i got the ride after some arguments with the just don't care so much about the money anymore in the end..and you just want to leave that place.. We were on the same boat...
21st August 2006

Bekah, Dern girl, some more amazing pictures...and you even did your homework with this one :) Honestly, south east asia has so much more than I ever's like a fariy tale world.. I hope you still have more blogs to come.. and hey, email me and let me know how the hell you're doing...isn't it almost time to move in at MC? And if you end the blogs, you have to do a goodbye brings closure to your readers :) I LOVE YOU srh
17th August 2006

why didn't i get my big slobery kiss from sarah?..... unnaceptable.... thank you for reading it out loud to me. you'rea amazing.. :D :d
17th August 2006

still more...
bek, this is utterly amazing...i've never seen anything like it in my life. it's such an encouragement to see this earth of ours prevailing, even whilst we beat it back, always seeking to master and mold it... i know you're home, i'm guessing you did this last entry in the boro.. waiting to hear from you. enjoy your time with the fam and give Jen a big slobbery kiss for me... I LOVE YOU and I miss you so damn much... srh
17th August 2006

I recently visited Siem Reap last March and was BLOWN AWAY. If you get a chance to travel anywhere near Cambodia, you MUST make a quick stop here! It only takes about a day to see everything at Angkor Wat and it's so worth it! You feel like you're in the "Jungle Book".
17th August 2006

wow, what an adventure...even thought it took a while i'm glad that you were able to finally get your visa...
17th August 2006

Bekah...a similar thing happened to my brother as well when he was in cambodia...i hope that you still had fun though despite your adventure on the scam bus.
16th August 2006

It's interesting to read about the Arc de Triomphe replica, and I've enjoyed your detail and passion in your writings. Take care! I look forward to seeing you in TN soon! ~ Emily
13th August 2006

Good story lady!
We had no scam but I just want to add that the road from Bangers to Siem Reep is THE worst road in the world- i sat in a mini bus with my head out the window cus it was so hot and sticky- and when we stopped i looked like an asbolute disgrace with my heair windswept and my face just coated in a thick layer of dust!!! What an experience! If you want to see a photo see my blog called Time for Relaxation. Good reporting though and you may be seen as a mini heroine!!! Ciao. jonnys
12th August 2006

that's your luck
Just as I am always getting things stolen from me, so your chain is always getting pulled!! although it absolutely sucks, I'm still a little glad that I'm not the only one that seems to chronically get cheated! I LOVE YOU and I love your crazy stories! Sarita
11th August 2006

Don't worry, you're not the only one!
Hello, you don't know me, but i just wanted to leave you a note to say that after experiencing the scam bus in full, i know how you felt and can sympathise. we ended up sticking with it all the way to siem reap, which was as bad as you'd think! if you want to get any ideas of things to do in cambodia, feel free to check my blog as we spent 3 weeks there not so long ago. one word of warning is that if you are traveling vietnam and were planning to go from hanoi to vientiane (in laos) and you thought the journey from khao san road to siem reap was bad, make sure you fly!!!! we ended up on a local bus, sitting in the aisle on sacks of rice for 31 hours! anyway, safe travels and enjoy the rest of your trip!
11th August 2006

ahhhh! to being a walking target
oh god sounds like you couldn't have aviod that scam. Way to run! woo hoo! Heck yes Bekah! I love reading your adventures!! heart, gp
11th August 2006

Scam Bus
Bit late now but some of the budget air lines offer flights to Phenom Phen for $10 and the bus journey then to Seim Reap is only $4, and no hassle at all, anyway good luck with cambodia
11th August 2006

A time to remember
So after all these adventures will you be happy back in the USA? One thing for certain, you will never, ever be the same. I never thought you were naive before but after experiencing your trip you won't be. All is great, photos, comments, and all those things left unsaid. A real lesson in adaptability. Will you experience culture shock when you return? So much to remember. See you soon.
10th August 2006

You always be representin'...Show those asian boys some fiesty american aggression...i love it.. srh
10th August 2006

So nice
It willbe nice to have you home the road can get weary but it looks like you are having fun still again some realy nice photos
10th August 2006

hey pookie
dern, looks like an adventure...breathtaking...of course, i love how real you are. the annoying monkey, the painful massage, the inhumane treatment of the elephant and lastly the numb butt from the bus...yeah, it brings me down out of the clouds and back into the reality of traveling..speaking of which, have you read the paper lately? another terrorist threat, "close call". expect flying home to be a pain in the ass..give yourself plenty of time... i love you tons, and your pictures are amazing as always... sarita i love
10th August 2006

Ok, you not only are having the time of your life, but you are having the time of my life as well :) Bekah, I love, love, love reading your entries! You are such a great writer, not to mention that you are fulfilling things that are on my "To do before I keel over" list (riding an elephant). Your white water ride looks like a cheap theme park gone horribly wrong--how'd you stay on?!?! Jesus girl, you're amazing. I love you and love that you're having such a great time, but I'm still counting down the days until I get to see you.

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