Bringing Hope From C.A. to Japan

a trip by Shlee
From: June 24th 2011
Until: June 24th 2011

Shortly after the earthquake and tsunami occurred in Japan, Fukiko Marshall, a restaurant owner and Japanese woman, desired to help her people. Marshall lives in the same city as I, Humboldt County, California. She reached out to the local university, Humboldt State University, and asked for a recommended female journalist student to take with her to report on Japan. A recommendation and a few days later, I was chosen. A few weeks after that I was sitting on an aisle seat, flying over the Pacific Ocean.
Trip Length: less than a day
Blog Entries: 0
Photos: 0
Words: 0
Tot: 0.05s; Tpl: 0.002s; cc: 8; qc: 46; dbt: 0.0347s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1mb