AlexandKelly's Guestbook

17th August 2009

Kelly, If you are going to Portsmouth (or the south) do you want to be picked up at the airport? If so I need the airport (Heathrow I think), the flight (EK007 I think) , arrival time (0700), and where you are going - home I guess. Let me know by text or email - obviously if I hear nothing by tea time on the 18th then you're happy to make your own way or are going to London with Alex. No worries either way. Love Dad xxx
From Blog: 1 day left..!
17th August 2009

See you soon
Hey guys, was that really 7 weeks? It went so quickly. Travel safely and see you soon. btw - the sun came out yesterday....... that's summer over! Love Dad xxx
From Blog: 1 day left..!
12th August 2009

Airport return
Hey Kelly and Alex, thats a sun bear right? How cute! BTW mum wants to know when you're arriving at the airport because she is offering to pick you up. kk bye xx
12th August 2009

Who's worrying
Dear Kelly and Alex, In a weeks time what are we going to do in the evenings when we wont have a blog to read!!!?
11th August 2009

Lovely photo's
Hey - who said we were worrying? ........ Joking ....... just when there are bad things on the news! Lovelly photo's, full of life and vibrancy. Hope the slow boat from China is cool. Are you ready to come back or could you stay longer? Love Dad xxxx
10th August 2009

Thanks for photo and blog, we thought it was a brown faced RobinHood and Maid Marion. Glad to hear the Manflu has gone and that you havent been kidnapped or something. Lots of love GrANDMA gRANDPA AND nELL XXXXXXX
From Blog: wise
10th August 2009

Alex the monk
Hi guys - thanks for the update, glad Alex is feeling better. Looking forward to seeing some more pic-ies. I think Alex is obviously a closet monk (photo!) as he is slowly morphing into one.. Look out if he buys something orange or, god forbid, has a short hair cut! Enjoy the last week. love dad/russ xxx
From Blog: wise
6th August 2009

I was right!, mum was pronouncing it louse, but I said it as it rhymes with ow. It was L'occitane all over again. :O Sounds like you are having a good time, mum was worried you were in that airplane crash in thailand, but I told here you were in Vietnam. I'm sure you won't die of septicemia, though. :) I'm in Kent, looking after Owen, and its really sunny, though not as sunny as where you are I'm guessing. Love you lots Sophie
6th August 2009

Thank you
Dear Kelly and Alex, Thank you so much for your Birthday greetings it was very good of you to remember me from so far away. It must be the furthest I have had a birthday wish from!!.I expect you will be doing S.E. Asian cooking when you get home,you might want to bring back some ingredient back that is not available in the U.K. Keep enjoying yourselves and we hope the stomach and manflue are in recovery!!!! Lots of love Grandma, Grandpa and Nell xxxxx
6th August 2009

Flu...and stuff
Hi guys, glad that all is well. Your writings are still painting a wonderful picture - anyone would think Kelly was an English scholar!! I am pleased that you are finding Laos enjoyable as my own (oviously wrong) idea was that it was going to be the low part of your trip. Poor man flu Alex - please keep the flu in Laos as I have yet to catch it although the rate of swine flu in UK seems to be going up fast. On your trip back to the UK you need to be very careful of those that sneeze (ho ho) etc. Catch-it, Bin-it, Kill-it is the strap-phrase. Use tissues and antiseptic hand wash. ........And that's the end of the Gov.UK advert.... Keep enjoying yourselves - I assume the money issue has been sorted as you've not said anyting to me. Lots of love Dad/Russ xxx
2nd August 2009

Cut belly
Dear Kelly and Alex, Whose belly has been cut? not quite sure who!!! Have you had anti tetanus jabs? If you can buy some antibiotic cream from the equivalent of their chemists. If the cut occurred in salt water it might not be too bad. As usual your blog was wonderful we could almost imagine being on the kayaks with you!!!! Take care of yourselve and enjoy yourselves. Lots of love Grandma and Grandpaxxxxxxx
1st August 2009

memories of Vietnam
Dear Kelly and Alex, Enjoyed reading and looking at your journey through Vietnam - reminded me of a trip I made in 1997 when we went up to the Chinese border, climbed Fansipoo then traveled south from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City - also went to NaTrang and Hue - if you go south to Ho Chi Minh then do look up the tunnels - you can crawl underground to get a fell for how the Viet-Cong fought the Americans. Went with mum to look at Clifton College last week - very impressive and Kelly, I gather you did really well in your second year exams - well done. Take care and I look forward to seeing more pictures when you get back... Regards Chris
31st July 2009

Vietnamese wedding
Dear Kelly and Alex, We have so enjoyed your blogs, and the photos are very good. Does Alex know that if he marries you now he will be a bigamst!!!!!? Keep them coming its rhe only thing that keeps Grandma working the computer Love Grandma and Grandpaxxxxx
21st July 2009

oooh. I haven't checked your blog for a while. The Killing fields sounded very moving. Hope the journey goes well, and keep reporting your adventure. :) Sophie xx
20th July 2009

Hi guys,just to say I'm on the road for a week and might not be able to communicate - but there are lots of people looking after you! take care x x x
18th July 2009

Top Gear
I thought the Killing Fields would be haunting. I am reading a book from WW2 about the Japanese - very similar behaviour when it came to the respect of otherhumans. The politics were obviously very different though. Remember the top gear programme with the motor bike (more moped than bike) trip across Vietnam? Just like your description. Rick Stein was doing mainly shrimps - lots of shrimps. But talking of catfish a 12 year old English girl on holiday in I think Spain, has hooked a world record 165lb (or there abouts) catfish from a river. It was longer than she was tall and her Dad had to come to her rescue to stop her being pulled in the river! All for now - look after the Dong xxx
17th July 2009

Dear K & A We have been watching Rick Stein, the Cornish chef, he has just started a series on southeast asian cooking. He visited several of the places you have been to on your previous blogs, including the large temple in front of which you had your photo taken, so we sat back and said "Oh look, we've seen this on K & As blog all very smug Alex seems to be suffering a bit on the travelling part!!!! Like you we have had and are having some very heavy rain and strong winds, not at all like summer. Keep the blogs coming, they are GREAAT said Tony the Tiger!!!! Los of love Grandma, Grandpa and NellXXXXXXX
17th July 2009

Rick Stein was there.....
Hi guys, still sounds fantastic. I guess Alex never rode the tube enough in London rush hour to make a comparision with the Cambodian buses - hot, sweaty, dirty, rickety, over-full with an underlying perception of menace and personal danger.............. Switched the tv on last night and where was Rick Stein? - by the floating village in Cambodia cooking some fish! So saw some excellent footage that reinforces your ever discriptive blogs. Enjoy stage 2 and Vietnam - the history interests me so you'll be grilled (figuratively) on return! Love Dad/Russ xxxx
15th July 2009

Awesome blogs
We laughed and we cried. loved the stories and pictures. Did not think Kelly's smile looked natural whilst the Tarantula was on her body Good job Sophie was'nt there. The fish massage would drivw me mad, and I to would screan like a little boy Toilet ,pooh, and mosquito's NO NO NO NO. Kepp enjoying life and keep the blogs coming. Grandma and Grandpa P.S. Nells got fleas!!!!!
14th July 2009

Yuk spiders
very brave - don't think I could have done that - yuk. I hate big spiders. When you speak of currency is that baht or US dollar? Stay safe and enjoy. Love dad xxxxxxxx
11th July 2009

Is that how you spell wooooooooooow? Whoa not wow? Uh I dunno! Anyway, great blog, the funniest so far. Just how does that bloke walk on water? Very clever these orientals....... The temple at Angkor looks just stunning, so much history, drama and mystique. Think of the stories it could tell. How are your own bug bites? And how did the other person's get infected? Motherhood and apple pie time - now you just take care and wash behind your ears and keep your bug bites clean lol Thinking of you both often - get the most out of your life experience, I remain envious as ever!! Love Dad/Russ xxxxxxxxxx
10th July 2009

Wow >.< I'm so jealous. The photos are cool, good to see you managed to get hold of a camera wire thing. It looks and sounds amazing. Have fun. Don't get diseased. and keep my backpack safe. ( and yourselves of course) P.S. If you can't find a miniature buddha statue, you could always get me harem pants :) missing you
9th July 2009

Look forward to the story
Hi K and A, Cambodia sounds beautiful. In 1983 I went to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. Thailand was amazing and we went up-country in a dodgy dug-out canoe cum spped boat thing to visit the real "bridge over the river Kwai." The jungle and countryside were beautiful then - I expect it may be a bit more commercialsed now! Anyway keep the stories coming, we love your senses oh humour! Keep popping the pills! Love Dad/Russell xxxx
7th July 2009

toughen up
stop being a wuss Alex. Adventure will do you good! Glad you guys are having fun!! :) James says hi, and that he misses Alex *dive shoots* ... I hope your hair isn't green anymore Kelly, and congrats with your results, I'm still waiting!!! have fun with your shepee. xxx
6th July 2009

Keep them comming
My Dear Kelly and Alex, Really happy to hear ypu are having such a great time . We love hearing about.your exploits and the flora and fauna, and even the mosquito bites, keep the blogs coming. Most of all Kelly very very well done with your module results you must be well satisfied with yourself after all your hard work, even though Alex says have no friendsHa Ha, Keep enjoying yourselves, Heaps of love Grandma Grandpa and NellXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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