2metersplus' Guestbook

27th December 2010

can't wait to see you!
I'm hoping to still be in Michigan when you come. Do you have an itinerary yet? Would like to know date you leave, where in CA you're going to be, approx time you're planning on Salt Lake City and Sturgis arrival. Love and hugs, AB
From Blog: End is Near
28th September 2010

Fascinating Report
I so enjoyed reading this latest entry in your blog, Jonathan! Makes me want to read the whole story....thanks much! Now I'll go back and read the entries from beginning to end. Love the photo of Lisa! xx
From Blog: Train Ride Day 2
2nd September 2010

ask sarah about the train to denver
when she threw up in the seat, threw up on her blanket, threw up in the bathroom - it was 1993, the thanksgiving after Mom died- she & Dad & I went out to Denver on the train(you are right , 24 hrs trip) then Mimi & Beth & Dad & Sarah and I drove to Albuquerque (8 hrs) in Beth's Mazda! I love train trips- partly because you're so directly connected -your luggage you take care of, etc. I'm glad you had a good time! love you, aunt t
From Blog: Train Ride Day 2
30th August 2010

purpose of trip?
Thank you telling us about your adventure, Jon. Besides the adventure, why did you pick this destination? What was the allure of taking 22 hour train trip?
From Blog: Train Ride Day 2
27th August 2010

how funny the description of the train bathroom~
From Blog: Train Ride Day 2
25th August 2010
The Sleeper Car

Bathrooms and Food
If that is what a "sleeper" looks like, what do the bathrooms and food consist of on a trip that far. 30hrs, to go across the country? And we thought the U.S. was a big country.
24th August 2010

SO, where did you sit during the day? regular seats like airplane seats? or train like US train? and, how many stops?
24th August 2010

Sleeper car
1) It looks to me like the Chinese plan for people to grow only to 6 ft., no taller. 2) Sleeper car - Mark had an issue with people smoking all night in the sleeper car ... to the point where he couldn't breath in the top bunk. Chain smoker in one of the bunks below. 3) What is the bathroom situation? And meals? My curiosity.
24th August 2010

Blankets and pillows
Yes, the pillows and blankets were decent. The bed was extra firm by US standards, but compared to the bed in my apartment, it was more comfortable. The sound of the train, and frequent rocking put me to sleep quickly.
23rd August 2010

Did they even supply those blue flowered baby blankies for everyone on the train? How soothing :)
23rd August 2010

Thirty hours by train? Are you crazy? I took a 9 hour sleeper train to Berlin one time and it was miserable. Your sleeper car did look pretty nice though, even if the beds were a bit short. Wasn't it possible to take a flight to Shanghai instead?
23rd August 2010

This sleeper car sounds all too familiar. We rode in a similar sounding sleeper car this summer on our way to Venice...though the "extra" leg room didn't exist, and head rest of the seats were luckily in my "sleeping" area...digging into my back all night. Needless to say, I should have taken a sleeping pill, because about an hour in to the 8 hour overnight train ride, I realized that 3 of the 6 people in the cabin (2 Italian men, and 1 British chic) were having a snoring contest! It was pure hell! I'm pretty sure I didn't sleep at all. So...did anyone snore?? Did anyone stink??
13th May 2010

Nostalia and Creeping
Hey John, Sorry this is rather strange, and I apologize. I used to teach at Jilin University - Lambton College as well. 2004-2006 (long time ago now). Anyways, I was feeling nostalgic and googled "Jilin University - Lambton College" and your travel blog came up. Just wanted to say how much everything looks the same as when I was there. I did a lot of the same stuff you've been doing, and had a lot of similar experiences - and is just neat to see someone else total random have a similar adventure. Anyways, sorry again for the creeping, Rob
8th May 2010

Thanks so much; I really enjoyed it!
2nd March 2010

Hory Kow!
What fun the trip there ... I love reading your blogs. Someday you and Mark should swap stories of traveling in China. I know he sat on his toolbox on a train for an entire day once ... probably the same type of thing. Good luck!
26th February 2010

Sign me up!
Sounds like the kind of traveling I'm destined for... maybe that's why I don't travel?? :) Love you- glad you made it safely!
20th January 2010

People with Questions
The exam was nothing too crazy. Just some routine checks. It reminded me of a high school physical for sports. Anyone wanting to contact me you can send me your e-mail in a post. I filter all the posts, so it will not end up on my page. I will just use it to contact you to answer your question. I am returning in March and I will be here until at least July 2010
19th January 2010

more info!
Hey, Where is the rest of the info! I really like your blog and just actually got an offer to teach in Changchun for March 2010. Do you have more info on the rest of teh exam? lol Sounds.... interesting!
4th January 2010

And we thought the ice sculptures on the cruise were amazing, this is incredible. When you come home you may have to take some warmer clothing back with you. Love, Mom
21st December 2009

wow, i thot i was bein green turning heat dwn to 48 at the farm office. it froze the p-trap in the bathroom. or better yet sleep in a bag in europe while on manuvers were it is 18 below all day and all powered vehicles are running 24/7 or they'll freeze solid. u just think you're cold....
From Blog: Cold
3rd December 2009

you are a dork!
oh, look, my comment was saved from a previous entry!
23rd October 2009

I call it.. The Kramer
You look pensive...
23rd October 2009

Not in the Classroom?
No wonder they need those magical, detox things you put on the bottom of your feet. The streets must be really nasty around there...
23rd October 2009

I am pretty sure the school the Franks kids went to was Suzhou something international school.
23rd October 2009

So it has taken me a while to read your blogs if you haven't notice by my delayed comments, forgive me haha. Solidified pigs blood sounds awful. I am pretty sure I told you about the grossest thing I ate this summer. If you don't remember it was everything in a pig (could have been a cow and chicken too) but the normal meet. Intestines, organs, and blood. Yummmm. Nastiest thing I have ever tasted, and of course it was in a place where I had to be respectful and not puke. I would not suggest eating anymore pigs blood. haha

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