To Loas!

April 20th 2010
Published: April 20th 2010
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ok so out of all the journeys i have made on this trip . this was the worst.

We had an awful minibus ride to the boarder where we had the luxery of a 3 hour sleep untill we were woken for breakfast and then sent to get a our visas..which took loas time.

We then had a tuk tuk ride to the river ( mekong) to board the awful boat. It was purley a long wooden boat with the engine just sort of at the back. There were a good 70 people onboard, all of us sitting on the floor with pillows we bought for 40 bahrt... and then they tried to fit another 70 on untill the funniest german man stood up and bellowed ' THE LONELY PLANET SAYS THEY TRY TO FIT TOO MANY PEOPLE ON THE BOAT AS ITS CHEAPER AND DANGER HAPPENS' this created an uproar in which i got highly involved and resulted in them getting another boat 😊

It was a savage 9 hour journey as it was so uncomfortable and we had had minimal sleep but it was at the same time amazing. You travel down the river with mountains of jungle surrounding you. Its amazing.

We arrived somewhere in the middle of nowhere where literally its just guest houses for the treip as it takes 2 days to get to luangphrabang. We were on the river side with our fellow boat people looking across to the other side ( untill there were multiple powercuts) and this is where i tried buffalo. Quite nice.

It then chucked it down and there was an amazing thunderstorm. The lightning was illuminating the hills. Incredible. we retired to our room and played cards.
The next morning we did the same boat journey but i sat out on the bow and it was much better. wind in the hair sort of thing.

We arrived and found a guesthouse with some people from guildford we met on the boat and all went out for some dinner at this amazing night market. It was 10,000 kip ( not even a quid) so you could fill your bowl with as much as you want. Loas has a very strong french influence due to the previous ownership of france, which means the food is amazing!! ( i need to find an new adjective)

Our group then went to a bar to try loas whisky ( inshort it tastes like petrol) and once again were interuppted by a thunderstorm resulting in us running down the streets of loas in the thunderstorm to our hostel.

There is actually a curfu in the old quater of 1130 intrestingly!

The next day we just mooched around the town and then visted the hospital for a cut on my leg that i accuired at the full moon party, a good 3 weeks away. It wasnt a pleasnt experince as the lady pulled some random green stuff out of my shin to reveal a massive hole. NOT TO WORRY THOUGH!! its all bandaged up and covered in iodine etc and should heal now. Not going to lie. quite painful. as in i screamed a lot. but the hospital seemed empty so i thought it was ok.. ha.

We then had a full body massage. What more can i say apart from abosulte heaven. Little loas lady with muscles like nadal. standing on my legs. Definatly getting another before oz!

After we visited the most popular bar in luangphrabang where some guys we met on the boat were indulging in loas tapas and invited us to join. Sticky rice with mango. Mekong seaweed. buffalo biltong. somewierd fish thing in lettuce and peanut coconut sauce (obviously i passed on that). They also had some american traveller with a guitar playing such good music. So chilled.....untill we went to a discothek... hahahaha. So random. just filled with stupid travellers ( just our group really) and loas people ( mostly gay which should have really been a sign that we might have been at the wrong place!!)

we still had a good time.

This morning we got upat 630 to get our fruit shakes and our baguettes for the bus journey to vangvieng. It was a 6 hour jouney through loas. There was only one road and it was about 10ft wide. Up.down.around all this jungle covered mounatins. It was spectacular. but i did fear for my life on a couple of occasions as the wheels were skidding and were over taking buses etc.

But we are here now!! and have our guesthouse ( dorms of bamboo beds on the river front) and can't wait to go tubing tomorrow. Yes i will wrap my leg up with lots of duck tape so it wont get wet and i will look after myself. I am not reliving the shin pain again.

We are staying here for a couple fo days and then going to veintien where we might do a cooking course!!



22nd April 2010

Hey Nat, Sounds like you're having an awesome time. Can imagine it well as we trod that path too, enjoy lady! Watch out for those masseurs - Andy and I went for a massage in Krabi and were both pretty gobsmacked when my miniscule Thai woman flipped me over and started massaging my boobs. It was hysterical. I stared at the ceiling being British and trying not to laugh, meanwhile Andy's lady was wagging her finger at him saying "you no lookee, mister". Looking forward to hearing your stories!! Good luck with the shin, sounds scary. Lots love,
27th April 2010

hahhahah its duct tape you nuuter not duck tape!!!!!! Be careful of the leg u dont wanna get it infected BELIEVE me!!!!! WHne u back?????
27th April 2010

hahhahah its duct tape you nuuter not duck tape!!!!!! Be careful of the leg u dont wanna get it infected BELIEVE me!!!!! WHen u back????? OMG cooking course am jealous! cant wiat to come round yours 4 dinner when you're back!!!!!!!
1st May 2010

I'm back August 1st!!! Whats new at homee?? Leg is much much better :) but still covered as its durrrrttttyyyy here lol . and i prefer duck tape HAHAHAHAHA.X

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