Ahhh toilet paper.... sigh

October 23rd 2009
Published: October 23rd 2009
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10/16/09 2nd Full Day in Kolkata, India

So now that we have the black lung from pollution I can at least say I have managed to get used to the traffic here. Its like parting the sea but amazingly you really can cross the road and not die... they really will put on the brakes (even if its only an inch away) I think it has to do with their belief in Karma 😊

Another amazing adjustment is the lack of peeing. Dehydration? Definitely. Bad but good... you see once you leave your guesthouse you are on your own to find a squat toilet of some sort when emergencies arise. For white people its really not so bad - when they see you doing the "I am desperate at this point and am considering the sidewalk like everyone else" walk, they pretty much open the doors to hotels immediately and let you use the toilet. Western style or hole in the floor is pretty much a game of chance. The true test is whether or not they supply toilet paper and whether or not you were smart enough to be carrying some... I think this is when fate steps in. Lets just say you better freaking hope you've got some TP or something because otherwise you are facing a faucet and your hand - yikes.


We did some more stuff around Kolkata with our travel buds. We went to a "flower market" which was INSANE. There were so many people jammed into this tiny lane squeezed together dodging huge baskets being carried on heads and masses of people. Picture us (the only foreigners) amongst a sea of Indians preparing for Diwali - crazy doesn't even begin to describe. We were the only white people but damnit we made it through. I think when I tripped I took someone out with my toe nail while trying not to fall... hey its death by trampling or life via toe nail. We also visited Mother Theresa's tomb at the Mother house which was nice ( I got pictures Da!).

Anyways we were pretty worn out with the giant city so we booked a sleeper train south to a small beach town (edited by our friend Vardan - its a fishing village) called Puri. We parted with 3 friends who were off to Darjeeling but are still traveling with our English male guardian Paul Simon (from Liverpool...coincidence?) he has been so helpful getting us acquainted with backpacker life.

Shanti Shanti



23rd October 2009

Beach Town - Puri?
I like the usage of the word Beach Town for a place like Puri. I am sure you must have already heard of the famous puri temple and the three huge idols inside. I mean really huge. I dont know which time of the year, but they take those three idols out of the temple and take it on the roads: "Rath Yatra". And as you had already mentioned that there are millions of people in and around you, these millions of people pull the chariot in which the idols are placed. All that aside, I wish I was there during Diwali - The festival of the lights. I am sure the whole city must have been lit and people in their most traditional and colourful clothes. I am sure there more to it. How are you finding the food? Is it too spicy or you are able to manage? And how is Anna doing? Take care, Look forward to reading more blogs.

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