Mum's update!

July 3rd 2009
Published: July 3rd 2009
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Just me, i don't really need to do anything, im sure mums memory is about to overflow!, so ill hand it straight over to her, This will probably be a big one, again, ill try and get appropriate (and different :O) pictures and slot them in where indicated :3



Hi everyone.
I have been too busy taking in the sights sounds and experiences and I have been very lazy and left the 'Blog' to Richard.
Where were we?Oh yes it was packing last time we spoke.

I must say the start of the journey was not without it's drama. I managed to loose Mike at Birmingham International train station. When the whistle blew to signal 'time for departure', Richard and I boarded the train but Mike, deciding to walk to our designated carriage via the platform, was prevented from boarding by the automatic locking of the doors.
We didn't panic though. We laughed a bit. Well quite a lot at first, until I realised that Mike had my suitacase. A quick call to Virgin 'Customer Services" and a very kind gentleman call Denesh assured me that a message would be announced over the tannoy at B'ham international asking Mike to meet up with us at Euston.
Luck was on my side and the very kind ticket collector, who said he was a sucker for a good story. believed my explanation for travelling without tickets. (Must have an honest face!)

Flight to Hong Kong was great and our Hotel has exceeded expectations.

We have a smashing swimming pool and an air conditioned gym.
When we arrived I made sure I used the pool while Rich and Mike caught up on a few zzzzzzzzz's.
once we were rested we went off to explore our surroundings.

Blimey, it's hot here. Sort of like walking arround in a sauna.

Undeterred we set off for the Night Market, not that far from the hotel really. About 20 mins walking slowly. It was an amazing sight. A feast of light, sounds and smells.
I have never seen so much 'tat' on sale. You can buy anything here so cheaply.

Throwing caution to the wind we decided to eat somewhere on the street. Bit scaryat first as the plastic bowls and formica tables looked a bit 'rfiffy' but turned out to be a great idea! We had a fantastic meal. I passed on the chickens knees, but honestly what I had was lovely.

The following morning I was up bright and breezy and off to the gym for a 3 mile run and a lovely cool down swim. ( I even managed to drag Richard along with me).

After our swim we headed out to Hong Kong Park and "The Peak".

Finding Hong Kong Park was adventure in itself but well worth the effort. We bought 'octopus' tickets on the "MTR' (metro) which has proved to be a fantastic way of getting arround.
It not only got us to and from the park, but took us on the tram to the peak and back. It was a fantastic day and the night view from the peak was well worth the wait.

Met a lovely couple from Brisbane, Australia, who gave us loads of tips and ideas for our forthcoming stay in Australia. Kevin confirmed that booking a campervan for Darwin was the best possible option and gave us loads of tips on places to visit. Still that's weeks away yet!

When we got back from The Peak we were all starving and decided that we wanted to eat somthing quick and tasty. We opted for a 'Hong Kong version of a 'greasy spoon'. We just wandered the streets on the way back to the hotel looking for places that were full of locals. Some of them were too 'authentic' for me but we settled on a packed place that only had the menu written in chinese.

The staff were lovely. We were brought complimentary glasses of 'hot' water and unsure of what we were supposed to do with them, I asked. (Sorry everyone, but it could have been to wash with for all I know!)

I was told to drink it. So, not wanting to offend anyone I did. I would just like to add for the record it was pretty yuk! (Rich - THATS CHINESE FOR YUM!)

The food on the other hand was fantastic. I still can't believe we had change from a tenner for the three of us.

Fat and full up we crashed into bed at around midnight Hong Kong time. Jet lag? What jet lag?


Big mistake!!!!!!!!!
What happened to the morning?
Woke with a start at 11.45 am

Called to reception and asked if we could cash in our breakfast vouchers for lunch.
"No, solly."

Well I was still full from dinner anyhow!
With what was left of the day we decided to still go to LanTau island anyway.
We boarded the hotel complementary bus service to get us close to the Star Ferry terminal and took the ferry to central. From there we sailed to LanTau and got a bus to the Budda.

We knew that we wouldn't get much time there but hoped we could make it before closing time.

As luck would have it, being so late in the day turned out to be a blessing in disguise. We almost had him to ourselves, and in fact ended up being the last people to leave. (we had to run for the last cable car down to Tung Chung} They had closed the ticket booth but as a reward for the run, they re opened and allowed us on.

It was well worth the run though. the views on the way down were awesome.

At the bottom staion before we got back onto the metro, we called into this amazing food court at a big retail outlet shopping centre and had another feast for under a tenner. Getting a better grasp of how to use the chopsticks but still don't seem to be able to eat without getting it all down the front of myself.

Made our way back to the hotel via metro, Argyle Street and the hotel bar.

The plan for tomorrow is to pack, do the 'Star Ferry harbour tour; eat dim sum; have afternoon tea at The Peninsular and buy some chopsticks for Karen & Mark. That is of course if we get up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My my!, she was going to EXPLODE all that stored up, glad she finaly got to update!, was getting lonley! ^-^ Right, i know were not in melborne, but i have uploded the Images!, YES! and i shall be updating them Very soon :3. Expect updated Articles Everywhere.

Notification of updates. + a funny image in the next submission :3

Rich <3



6th July 2009

Hi Anne, you sound like you're having a lot of fun. Which were you more worried about -losing your suitcase or Mike?!! It's been bllomin hot her too - and very very humid. Not as exciting as Hong Kong though. As you're now getting to be an expert with chopsticks we shall have to give you opportunity to use them on your return! Gillx
7th July 2009

how we laughed!!
HI Anne I have told everyone about Mike missing the train and the overwhelming response was laughter! no one siad oh dear! Glad you got it sorted though. How were the plane journeys have you run out of patches yet? Glad you enjoyed Hong Kong and everything seems to be going more or less to plan. I won two tickets to Goodwood Festival of Speed last weekend and mark was disparate to go so we borrowed a wheelchair. Gosh its hard work pushing a wheelchair especially on grass. I have a new respect for people who have to do this on a regular basis. Mark was able to help and could get out if things got tough too. We had a great but very long day and Mark loved it so much he wants to go to another event there in September. I am not so keen. Mark seems to be improving now so when I got home last night he had completely re arranged the garage including moving storage racking etc! it made me quite envious to hear of your exploits in Hong Kong we really did enjoy it and it is great just to wander round as it is so very different from anything that you have seen before. Some of the food is interesting though! Will keep checking to see how you are getting on Kate
8th July 2009

Great to hear that Mark is doing so well. Just think how fit you will get, pushing that wheelchair is probably the same as performing some serious weight training. The flights themselves have been great. Really comfortable, however there was a fiasco with my case at Sydney courtesy of Quantas.

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