The color purple

June 5th 2008
Published: June 5th 2008
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the color purplethe color purplethe color purple

A book to be read
The color purple by Alice Walker

Voici le livre que j'ai lu ce mois. Parmi tous les nouveaux livres que l'on m'avait offert, j'ai choisi The colour purple pour ma lecture en Malaisie car il m'intriguait. La couverture et le titre : une femme noire lisant une lettre et le soleil refletant une couleur violette ( bon ne soyons pas torp romantique), mais avant tout parce que ce livre a ete Pulitzer Prize en 1983 (prix nobel de litterature)

"Dear God I am fourteen years old. I have always been a good girl. Maybe you can give me a sign letter me know what is happening to me"- so begins Alice Walker's touching, complex and engrossing novel, set in the harsh, segregated world of the Deep South between wars. CElie has been raped by the man she calls father; her two children are taken away from her; she has been forced into an ugly marriage. She has not one to talk to but God. Then she meets Shug Avery, the singer, the magic woman and dicovers not the pain of rivalry but the love and support of woman.

J'ai beacoup aime ce livre meme si les premieres pages etaient difficiles ( a cause du langage familier des personnages noirs) et parfois certains passages etaient tres "crus" mais a travers ce livre, j'ai lu une histoire d'amour entre deux soeurs qui m'a beacoup fait penser a mes propres soeurs cheries, et une reflexion sur Dieu, et que peut-etre la question n'est pas de savoir d'ou il vient et comment il est mais qu il est a nos yeux. Car l'etonnement n'est pas ce demander cmt ou pourquoi mais peut-etre tout simplement s'etonner, et admirer, tout comme "la couleur violette"

I really like this book even though the first pages were hard to debunk because of the characters' black dialect and also because of some harsh passage of the novel. But what i love the most of this book, is the true and moving love between these two sisters(reminding me of my own 'Halves') but also the wonder and questionning about God when the world is about suffering and pain.Would you still believe in "it". Cause maybe would you just be amazed by all of "it" without having to know where it comes from, just like "the color purple"

My favourite quotes:

"the years have come and gone without a single word from you. only the sky above us do we hold in common. I look often at it as if, somehow, reflected from its immensities, I will one day find myself gazing into your eyes"

"The thing I believe. God is inside you and inside everybody else. You come into the world with God. But only them that search for it inside find it. And sometimes it just manifest itself even if you not looking, or don't know what you looking for."

"Dear God. Dear stars, dear trees, dear sky, dear peoples. Dear Everything. Dear God"

"And I see they think we real old and dont know much what going on. But I dont think us feel old at all. And us happy. Matter of fact, I think this the youngest us ever felt".



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