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Asia » Vietnam
October 7th 2008
Published: October 7th 2008
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Hi once again sorry for the delay in writing this but i have just been having too much fun!! Plus the internet here in Vietnam is a little temperamental. Well it is my last full day here as i leave, hopefully, for laos this afternoon - fingers crossed that everything goes to plan and i arrive there tomorrow morning, however, not too optimistic about that as i have heard many stories about the bord... Read Full Entry

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18th October 2008

Oh Lauren I am sooo envious - this is a wonde3ful account of your Vietnam experiences - so glad you you have written so fully too- thankyou for sharing it! miss and love you lots xxx
21st October 2008

I don't believe it!
Hi Lauren - I loved your latest entry and was laughing out loud several times, you sound like you're having the most amazing time. Have you ever thought about a career as a travel writer - I could be your editor and correct the typos and spelling mistakes!! Can't believe you didn't buy any shoes.... Thanks for the postcard. Keep safe, lots of love, Anna xx
28th October 2008

amazing photos lauren - no words to do them justice! what memories you will have. miss you xxxx
21st November 2008

The photos are fantastic Lauren -what wonderful memories you will have. xxx
21st November 2008

Oh Nicole - your poor knees -looks very sore - hope it has healed now! x

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