Posh evening at Lush

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Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City
March 15th 2007
Published: March 17th 2007
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Thur 15th
The bus stopped at it usual stops so the locals can try to sell the tourists stuff and as I came out of the toilet (the poshest one ever where you had to change your shoes for flop flops so not to make the floor dirty) I bumped into Malin and Sara (the Sweedish girls). They had got the bus all the way from Nha Trang that morning. They were travelling with a different company so I new we'd get dropped at different points on arriving at HCMC (Ho Chi Minh City) but it was good to see them.
On the bus I got talking to 2 english girls Becky and Fay and once again managed to share a room with strangers me on transport!! Becky had been in Hanoi 'teaching' but all she had done was pay over 2grand for 3 months sitting at the back of a class room in a privalidged school. (I almost signed up for one of those). After 4 weeks (2 oth those were Tet, Vitnamese New year so holidays) she quit and traveled down Vietnam and is going to Thailand. Fay is a friend from home and came out to visit for a bit and ended up staying.
Fay had a friend (Ollie) who is the National Tenis coach for Vietnam and had lived in HCMC for 4 months. In the evening we went out with him to the poshest club where they clean out the ash trays after each ciggarete and top you glass up with ice if it has melted too much. And Ollie paid for it all as he is paid in pounds and says there is no way he could spend it all living here. He is very entertaining and it was a great night. (unfortunatlky I didn't take my camera)


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