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Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hanoi
September 14th 2007
Published: September 14th 2007
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Hi All,

Well we made to vietnam in one piece after a long journey. Hanoi is mental. Hooting moto's everywhere. Crossing the street is an experience. There doesn't seem to be any road rules and if there are they just ignore them and that includes traffic lights. We have spent the last few days wandering around the old quarter getting lost and checking out some of the more famous sights in the city. We have sampled the local food on a few occasions. We had Pho Bo for breakfast which is supposed to be a beef & noodle soup.... but with the name bo in it im starting to think the meat may have been of the canine varity. (danny.. im sure you could make a good pound for that dog of yours over here, there must be at least 10 dinners in him). We tried the local street food stalls for diner last night. You basically pull up a plastic chair and cook your own dog..sorry i mean food on a little hot plate for yourself. Best food we have had since we left surprisingly.

We are of to Sapa tonite in the mountains so you wont hear from us for a few days. will add more when we get back.

Now get you all back to work ;-)

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I'd 'ave em

14th September 2007

Brenda, I'm loving the hat, I knew you'd get a new one for this holiday but nothing would have prepared me for that sight, are we likely to see you walking round Asda with your new 'shopping basket'????............. and Niall i'm so glad you made a new friend. Glad you both arrived safely, enjoy the mountains and be careful crossing the roads, remember what Judge used to say!!!!
14th September 2007

Miagi on tour bus AGAIN
Being from the hills of Donegal you will be well fucn use to that style of driving. Tell Brenda i have her sorted wi a part time time wi Sammy in the Mandarin on her return; wat a pose. PS i wud be happy to be eating dog giving the extent of choices. The wanes ENJOY....lukin good. Jimmy C
15th September 2007

tommy tourist
oh dear one looks like tommy tourist with da sandals, book and bum bag. Dont like da look of da local taxis 3 on a mophead and not a helmet in sight!!! With all thse bikes it looks like da whaky races. Anyway enjoy and stay safe xxx
16th September 2007

Love the Hat!!!
Hi folks Hope your are both well, mum and dad love the hat Brenda, it really suits you. Talk later Ann
18th September 2007

Hows she cuttin
Hope all is well and your having a splendid time. All photys look amazing, particularly Niall beside a warrior smaller than himsell.Stick the heed in im. Good to see Bendy got a part time job delivering dead rats to the locals 4 tea. Rain between showers over hear this week but i'd say doesnt compare to monsoon type weather over there. Hope u have a blast, but not on Thai airlines. Goodluck.

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