Flight and Bangkok

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Asia » Thailand
March 6th 2011
Published: March 6th 2011
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Mark: hi, after a long flight we arrived in bangkok tired and hungry. BTW saw Megamind on the plane and it's very good.

So first night we tried out the local cuisine and beer and neither disappointed.

Day two we took a long boat ride along the Bangkok rivers, which was fab, we saw salamanders and all sorts of wildlife.

Later that day, after chilling by the pool for a few hours and then going for dim sum, we met up with the rest of our tour group and started getting to know each other over food and beer. I had Pad Thai for the first time which tasted amazing.

Then back to the hotel and bed ready for a 7am start as we make our way to Cambodia...


9th March 2011

Sounds great
Hi Simone. Thanks for the itinerary, sounds great. Take care and look forward to reading how your trip progresses.
29th March 2011

Hi, Glad to hear your trip is going well, I also saw megamind on the plane to india recently and thought it was really good. I also managed to judge a hand painting competition which you can see here http://www.garymackman.com/content/judging-hand-painting-competition-india Look forward to more updates

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