Belated first blog

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Asia » Thailand
January 9th 2011
Published: January 9th 2011
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This first blog entry is nearly 14 days late.....and I am never late for anything. Must definately be in holiday mode. Probably not a bad thing after the lead up to this trip. Thank you again everyone for putting up with the roller coaster of emotions leading up to take off....more importantly, thank you for not letting me pack it all in and stay in Tamworth. This is absolute bliss!

Arriving at Phuket Airport felt like returning to Bali. As soon as I was in the taxi, Asia- mode definately kicked in. No seat belt, a sigh of relief when the taxi driver didn't talk to me and a sense of relaxation on a ridiculously busy Phuket Town road watching the scooters and motorbikes weave their magic. Felt as though I had never left. The first night was write off as I had been up since 4am. A Tiger beer, some spring rolls and a phone call home later the first day of my travels were complete already. This holiday is going to fly by.

I stayed the first two nights in Karon Beach at a simple place called the Sunshine Guesthouse. This home away from home became a saviour during the first few days. The staff - Nat, Thai, Gi (the resident ladyboy) and Gia - were incredible in looking after me and providing hours of entertainment and chatter. Daniel's bag didn't arrive when he did, and unfortunately, they were unable to provide us with an extra nights stay. Instead, Thai took me by the arm and walked me down the street negotiating and haggling for a place for us to stay nearby. We returned for beers and heartfelt goodbyes the next night.

A six hour bus ride east and we were on our way to the tourist hotspot Koh Samui, all geared up for the Full Moon Party at Koh Phanghan. An hour on the ferry saw us arrive hungry and thirsty at the beautiful (but troublesome) Koh Samui Beach Resort in charming Bophut. After scavanging for food at the local Happy Elephant another night was over and we were looking forward to some real rest and relaxation.

For what was meant to be the easiest part of the trip, Koh Samui has proved to be the hardest. Daniel's luggage still hadn't turned up and the worst was yet to come. The Full Moon party for New Year's was brilliant, albiet without a Full Moon. Surrounded by bogan Australians, drunk Europeans and cheeky Englishman, we saw the new year in a spectacular fashion. Fireworks, lights and music on a beach crowded by thousands but not so badly you couldn't move and dance, the vodka buckets (AUS$5 - bargain!) flowed and the night kicked on. I beat an Englishman in a race up and down a giant slide (too bad we can't beat them in Cricket at the moment), painted a passed out fellow Aussie to entertain some Dutch girls and danced until 7am. The speedboat back was the longest trip in the world (half an hour seems like an eternity when you still have clothes and makeup on from late yesterday afternoon) and after a phone call home to my beautiful big sister, bed was calling.

I thought the hangover was bad. That was until Thai Tummy hit the next day. 48 hours later, after missing a 16 hour transfer to Bangkok and passing in and out of relative consciousness for much of a night, I finally found my land legs and was able to keep a proper meal down. And by proper, I mean a large serve of KFC chips. I remember walking through Kuta with Gemma and scoffing at the people who were eating at McDonalds. How could they eat Maccas when they were in a culinary paradise? Now I understand. KFC chips were just what the doctor ordered.

Three days behind schedule we decided to fly to Bangkok and basically skip it altogether. We headed to Kanchaburri (I still cannot pronounce the bloody word for the life of me), hired a scooter and went to the controversial Tiger Temple and waterfall spotting around 65km out of town. The Tiger Temple is inhabited by monks, cubs and giant adults (tigers that is, not Europeans). We watched the tiger cubs playing (very humane), patted cubs sleeping next to monks (moderately humane) and visited the adult tigers (ridiculously inhumane and brought tears to my eyes). I was all lined up, next in line to be exact, to have my picture taken with the gentle giants. The keepers however, were not so gentle. I spotted them pulling tails, smacking their heads and flicking water at them so they would be awake for photos with the tourists. Needless to say, I hot footed it out of there and felt a sense of guilt I paid to get in to the place in the first instance for the rest of the day.

A bus and a night train later, we arrived in our current located in the north, Chaing Mai. This will be the last stop before we cross into Laos in a few days time. Yesterday was the most incredible day and I do not feel I have the vocabulary to sum it up in a way that does it justice. In short we visited an orchard farm (not a gardner but still appreciated it), made friends with children from the Longneck Hill Tribe originally from Burma, fed and rode a cheeky and hungry elephant (they are spiky!), walked to the most amazing waterfall and bumped our way down the river in a white water raft with a resident Thai comedian. Best - day - ever!

All in all, Thailand has been divine...even with the few hiccups. The Thai people are uninvasive and trustworthy, the temples are gobsmackingly gorgeous and spirit lifting and the scenery is breathtaking. The tours and activities we have jumped onto and into have been well worth it, the food has been the best in remote areas and the whole atmosphere of the country, especially the north, has given me a sense of calm and satisfaction.

I hope everyone is doing well at home. I am missing everyone but skyping my family as often as I can. If you want me to email you, skype you etc and I don't already have your details please foward them on. I only have around 2 more weeks where I can access Facebook and would love to keep in touch with you all personally if I can.

Missing you all....but having a bloody good time xx

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9th January 2011

Keep the updates coming... It is amazing to see and read your experience. We are very proud of you Meggie. Its great to see all the drama before you left has paid off. Stay Healthy and SAFE... Love you heaps Tara xxx

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