Kayaking in Angthong Marine Park

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Asia » Thailand
March 11th 2006
Published: March 27th 2006
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Angthong Marine Park

This was a 2.5 hour ferry ride west of Ko Samui.

Kayaking in clear waterKayaking in clear waterKayaking in clear water

This was a little lagoon we made our way into through a tunnel. The water was unbelievably clear. I had a big German guy behind me, who kept leading us to the front of the pack - fine by me.
Craig was to arrive the night of March 11th, so I wanted to take advantage of tours from Ko Samui while I was still on my own, since Craig and I planned to go straight to Ko Pha-Ngan when he came.

I took a kayaking trip, run by a German man, to the Angthong Marine Park. I was thinking, "Cool, maybe they'll have some type of bio. information station I could check out." Nope, that didn't happen, but it was beautiful scenery of several rugged looking islands clumped together. They provided breakfast, lunch and snacks on the boat, which was a plus. We put the kayaks out at 2 different areas. We stopped at a beach to swim and hike to a lagoon from one of those areas and did a bit of snorkeling at the other area.

Although it was beautiful and all, it wasn't the most fun. Most of the other kayakers were German, who didn't speak much English and/or couples, who generally stick to themselves. There weren't alot of people to talk to or hang out with. No bother, I was to meet Craig that night.

Once I got back to Samui, I tried to find a church as it was Saturday night. I had been trying to find the phone number for the Catholic Church on the island for the past day and a half. Searches on the internet, in the phone book and with my guesthouse did not help in finding out mass times. I set out in an airconditioned taxi and my tourist map which showed where the church was. First I was taken to a hotel. "No, a Catholic church, to pray," I explained as I put my hands together and bowed my head. I realized after this meant hello/thank-you to the Thais, but the cabbi still understood. Eventually, we found the sign on the side of the road that said Catholic Church but there was no church. The cabbi asked someone and they said the only church was on the other side of the island. So, why was there a sign saying Catholic Church where we were? I don't know, it's Thailand.

That night, I picked Craig up from the airport - yay, someone to do things with.

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I walked up to this lagoon from the beach we stopped at. Again, so clear. You could see all the fish swimming around.

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