Day 14 - Small World

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June 4th 2006
Published: June 4th 2006
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Already two weeks, time is definitely starting to fly by, I only have another two weeks left before my visa in Thailand runs out. It really odd how it works you get a 30 day visa for free, but after the 30 days run out all you have to do is leave the country for an hour then you can come right back and get a new 30 day visa for free. So I just have to make sure I am close to a border crossing in the next two weeks.

I spent my last night on Ko Pha Ngan having fun with some of the people i have met, and I look across the bar and see a familiar face. It was a friend I went to school with in Hamilton at Mcmaster. Such a small world, it's absolutely ridiculous that I ran into someone I know from back home.

So I said my goodbyes in the morning and headed out on a ferry over to Ko Tao. The ferry ride is about 1.5 hours and like everywhere else I have been there are Thai people on the boat pressuring you into staying at their bungalows or to dive at their dive shop. A friend of mine had recommended a shop called best dive, he said the instructors there were amazing, so I was going to go to that shop. I got a map on the boat which listed all the dive shops and there was no shop called best dive on the list. So agreed to go with one of the Thai's to check out his place, he says to me "you look, you don't like you leave no problem man" which I had a feeling and later found out was a complete lie. So he takes us in his car to the dive shop and as soon as I stepped into the shop as Ria would say I was getting bad energy. So he showed us the rooms they were nice but the beach their was horrible. So I asked him to take me back to the dock and I was going to go look for the dive shop my friend recommend. Then he looks at me and says "you know what man, you eat in my house, then you shit on my F**king roof". So at that point I knew I wasn't going to get a ride back to the Pier so i grabbed my bag and walked back.

So my friend also told me that a french girl named clowey worked at the dive shop he recommended. So I started going around to different dive shops looking for a girl named clowey. After three hours of looking I was so frustrated that I said to myself the next shop I see is the one I am going to take my course. So I walk up to the next one and guess who helps me at the front desk, a french girl named clowey. It's funny how things work out some time, the actual name of the dive shop was Easy Diver. The people are really cool, the price was cheap and they included four nights accommodation at a really nice place. It was too late in the day to start the course so i start the course today at 4:00 and as of now it just me and another Canadian in the class.


5th June 2006

Happy Diving
Lieve Jos, It is really interesting how serendipitty is active in your travels! You are obviously adapting well to the ways of Thailand and travelling smart! Troy and Christina's wedding was a wonderful, loving experience for everone involved. They looked so happy and in love. From the ceremony to the reception- everything was well organised and well thought out so it ran smoothly. They had a really good DJ who played the music loud enough for dancing while you could still talk- even on the dance floor, without straining your voice or ears! Troy, to the surprise of everyone (including Christina), sang a song during the mass to Christina and it was just beautiful. They are honeymooning in a resort in an ecological area of Jamaica- about an hour out of Montego Bay. So, happy diving. Have a great time exploring life under the sea but be careful about time at depth and always swim with a buddy. Heel veel liefs, Mom and Dad
5th June 2006

i probably would have gone with that guy too thinking he'd stick to his word and take me back if i wanted to leave. oh well, lesson learned. no point scuba diving on one of the lesser beaches. good for you for finding the right place. right back and tell us how the lesson went!
6th June 2006

Under da Sea
Jos, Your diving course sounds exciting! The water's so warm in Thailand you'll be able to go forever. Enjoy, Love, Ri PS Will you be PADI certified, because it's recognized everywhere.
6th June 2006

I finally had a chance to sit down and read these today - amazing! It makes me feel like I'm traveling again - thanks for such great stories and for heading out and doing something most people only dream of. Don't blink - it'll all be over before you know it - just live in the moment. Enjoy your dives - don't touch the colourful spikey looking things.... and go get your sore butt a Thai massage :)
6th June 2006

Hey Jos! Oh the stories you are accumulating... It's really upsetting that there are so many people out there just waiting to prey on good natured travelors. I'm certainly listening closely to your stories and learning from them. Glad to hear you finally found Cloe and a good spot to take diving lessons...I'm so envious! Keep taking advantage of everything your travels have to offer, you're doing something that will benefit you for the rest of your life. Talk to you soon, Heather

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