Sunburnt Jungle Trekking along the KT Coastline

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Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Tao
February 15th 2009
Published: March 16th 2009
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After the day in the water the day before at Hin Wong...I was EXTREMELY red! The sun is hot hot hot in Koh Tao!!

So after putting on a disgustingly hideous big t-shirt...we walked round the coast of the island, viewing the beautiful scenery as we went! The track was DANGEROUS! Planks of wood straddled large boulders, with big drops below! Fun Times!

Anyway..the trek was well worth it...quite the adventure!

The other pictures are of Jeremy...the large gecko that lived with his wife in our bathroom in our bungalow...he pooped everywhere and made lots of kkakakakakaka noises and rattled about the corrugated iron roof!

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r toilet in Koh Tao

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