Outside the Sev Lounge on Koh Tao

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Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Tao
January 31st 2008
Published: February 7th 2008
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We arrived in Koh Tao after a long and tiresome journey via bus and boat through the night. The first part was fine, for once VIP bus meant just that, apart from the american football themed Mark Wahlberg film they played whihc was out of sync the whole way through, torture, times 2. Ben started chatting to a pair of lovely and sightly mad Canadian guys, Mike and Matt, at the bus station who we continued to stalk throughout our time on the island!!! Ha ha!!

After the bus was the 'fast boat'. We chose the fast option because Ben gets sea sick... big mistake. The sea was INCREDIBLEY choppy, but this did not stop the driver(?) plowing through the waves creating our very own rollercoaster out at sea. EVERYONE was being sick, left right and centre, sometimes in unison. This did not help Ben who is unfortunately a sympathic puker (but managed to hold it back the good boy). I just went to sleep!!

15 hours after leaving Bangkok we arrived, and made our way to our room in Buddha View, kindly booked by Chang (TAT travel advisor, keep up people)... and good ol Chang came through, the room was LUSH! We were a lil smug when we went to see Mike and Matt's hut, which was a less than desirable. So we spent the next 4 nights in luxury, can I get another whoop whoop! Thank you.

Mostly on Koh Tao, we will be doing nothing, and thats what we did, most of the time. For a couple of the days we hired mopeds, well the boys did, I clung onto the back for dear life, and explored the island (again, see facebook for now, pics on here will follow but Ben didn't bring the lead, doh!) We also hired ATV's, 4x4 mopeds, which were a lil trouble, one breaking down in the middle of no where near sunset, but Ben and his extensive moped knowledge (eh hum) saved the day.

Our evenings we spent mainly drinking, in the bar at the resort with the aussie bar man Ryan and at beach bars, including one with the coolest green squishy cushions ever, even though we did stop to eat once in a while. On the first evening, we were taught to shot gun a beer Canadian style, (this involves making a hole in the bottom half of the can, putting your mouth over it and then opening the can causing air to flow through enabling you to drink a can in about 10 seconds).. this evening was not the quiet one we planned but instead found us swimming in the sea (fully clothed of course) and at a beach bar dancing in the rain!

One evening when taking the bikes back, Ben and Mike started chatting to the taxi drivers sitting outside the Seven Eleven (like a Budgens but full of wierd Thai food!!) which they called the Sev Lounge. They had a nice set up with a couple of plastic chairs and a wooden bench where they would sit and chat and drink beer bought from the 7/11 and watch the world go by. We got on with the like a house on fire, and so at some point or other spent part of our evenings with A, O and H (their actual nicknames!!!)

To say the least, we were sad to leave on the 30th. The island was beautiful and the people fantastic... but Krabi called so we got on the boat (the slow one this time) waved good bye and set off for another adventure.


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