Koh Tao

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Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Tao
October 12th 2007
Published: October 18th 2007
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Well we've finally come to a place to relax and do absolutely nothing! We are on an island off the East Coast of Thailand called Koh Tao. It's main attraction is diving which we will be getting to in a few days. Right now we are taking a break from it all. Our days have been filled with naps, tanning, swimming, eating, reading, playing cards and watching movies. One of the hostels plays a movie every night so that's where we've been going. We definitely needed something like this after the the intensity we had in India, and the busyness of Bangkok. Hopefully in a few days we will be doing some scuba diving too, the reason we picked this island. Our biggest decision is do we go for an advanced certification or just do some recreational dives? Probably the first. After that who knows, maybe off to another island, maybe just hang out some more.. we are truely on vacation right now.. and LOVIN' IT!!!

We also went kayaking one day... my favorite so far since we've been traveling! We paddled out to Shark Island which is a bit off the main island, it took us about 45 minutes to get there. Once we paddled around the island to find the best spot to stop we pulled our kayak up onto the rocks, we grabbed our snorkle gear and dove in. Spending a good 45 minutes snorkling around the bottom part of the island. It was amazing! Of course I love anything underwater anyways. We saw plenty of fish including Dori and Gil.. plus these beautiful parrot fish which I followed all around, and some neeldfish up along the surface. This was when I definitely wished I had an underwater camera with me. I probably could have stayed there swimming around forever, but we were both getting a bit hungry. So back to the rocks where we left our kayak to make some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. At this point Scott noticed I had gotten too much sun already so he gave me his shirt to wear for our second time in the water. We decided this time to explore the other half of the island, which didn't end up as nice, but still pretty. Eventually it was starting to get dark and we didn't want to get caught in the rain or night, so we paddled back. On the way we stopped at a beach real close to us for some more snorkling and to go swimming. There wasn't much there at all. Overall a fabulous day!!!!!


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