Koh Samui..why is it raining??

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Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Samui
June 13th 2009
Published: June 17th 2009
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Koh SamuiKoh SamuiKoh Samui

rain, rain and more rain....whatever happened to paradise island?
We arrive at the ferry port (Surat Thani) and get our boat over to the island. Is it blue sky and white sandy beaches that greet us? No, the ferry crossing sees the boat pitching from side to side underneath gloomy grey skies and thundery weather. Needless to say our backpacks on deck are now a little wet through!!
With no accommodation booked in advance our first thought on landing is where about on the island we want to stay. We decide to head over to Mae Nam beach and to check out the accommodation around there. Jumping into the back of a sawngthaew (open backed truck doubling as a cheap taxi) we head over to this part of the island and start looking at beachfront huts or other cheaper rooms. Not impressed at all and hugely expensive for the very basics! Just as we are about to give up an ad in a window catches my eye for a newly refurbished apartment. Can’t be true or whats the catch? The owner is in the shop next door and tells us that we can have a look at it but the catch is that its not really close the beach. Once
Koh SamuiKoh SamuiKoh Samui

Confined to our apartment...could be worse things I suppose!
we go and have a look we are suitably impressed...its like a boutique apartment with its own lounge, kitchen, bathroom and double bedroom..all newly decorated and done out. As she said though its not close to the beach and to get here its down a small track in the middle of rainforest/woods. She suggests if we take it that we can hire mopeds so, with that in mind we can’t turn down this opportunity.
Back in town we hire our first moped and with John driving and me on the back we head off to 7-11 to stock up on some food. Its starts raining and so we head back in the direction we think of the apartment...end up getting completely lost and soaked through. The rain continues lashing down for the rest of the day and evening so get confined to the apartment.


18th June 2009

I mean now is the raining season, so it is normal. i lived 2 years on ko samui , but i always went to Bali from june till august. Greetings from Germany

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