Ko Samui

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June 9th 2008
Published: June 10th 2008
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Ko SamuiKo SamuiKo Samui

Elephant Trekking
Hello Everyone.

We after a lovely night in Krabi eating yummy Pad Thai for 20p at the night markets at the pier we left for Ko Samui at 8am the next day. We had bought joint bus and ferry tickets from our hotel and we were looking forward to a stress free journey.......as if!! We gave our tickets to the man on the mini bus and he said we were good through to Ko Samui, silly us. Once we got to Surat Thani the mini bus dropped us off and we realised we were at a travel agents and she would be giving us our ferry tickets.....conviently the man with our ticket disapeared and there was no way she was giving us ferry trickets with ot our original ticket, so to sum it up we got ripped off, I got mad with the woman, called her mean and stormed out to find somewhere else to buy the tickets to Ko Samui that we had already paid for!!! So eventually we made it to Ko Samui, where we got a taxi round to Chaweng Beach where we wanted to stay. The two places I asked to go the taxi driver said were "closed" oh how conveinient and we just happened to be outside his buddys house when he remembered they were closed and did we want to stay there? Ahhh they annoy me so much but the place he wanted us to go called ' Your Place' was pretty close to where we wanted to be and once we looked at the bungalow was really nice (with a flushing toilet!) and on the beach so it was a happy ending 😊

For 2 days all we did was play on the beach, it was really too hot to sunbathe so we played in the water. Although its really not the nicest beach , we are in Chaweng North which is only 5 mins walk from the centre but the tide is always out really far so you have to walk for ages till you hit the water. Martyn made some beach sellers year when he paid way too much for a bat and ball set but I guess its kept us amused so it was worth it! Loads of lovely places to eat here so we have been taking advantage of that, suprise suprise.

On Saturday we went on a morning Elephant Trek, not my first choice of things to do as I always think its a shame for the elephants, but Martyn has been dying to go so we chose an eco tourism trip that I thought might ease my concience! Ended up being a great trip we got to learn how to make Thai curry (which is all Martyn has now eaten for 2 days!) It was a bit hot for me! Got to play with a monkey that took a big shine to Martyn and kept jumping on his head, then we went on an elephant trek. It was so weird being on top of an actual elephant! We got to feed it bananas after and they looked pretty happy. Was really good and glad Martyn persuaded me to do it! We went out that night to watch the first 2 games of Euro'08, just when I thought my days of football watching were over. Had a good night that ended at 5am so just for a change the next day was spent relaxing on the beach!

Had a great time in Ko Samui and looking forward to the rest of the islands, although I
Ko SamuiKo SamuiKo Samui

Sitting on the elephants neck!
think we are going to have cut back on the drinking and eating to get ready for coming home we are a bit out of control this now!!

Yesterday we got the ferry to Koh Tao and we will probably stay here for 5 nights until its time to head to the Full Moon Party woo hoo 😊 Although may I add that I am very upset by the amount of rain here fingers crossed the sun comes out 😊

Lots of Love to everyone xxxxxxxx

Additional photos below
Photos: 26, Displayed: 24


Ko SamuiKo Samui
Ko Samui

Martyn and his monkey!
Ko SamuiKo Samui
Ko Samui

The Monkey spinning the coconut from Martyns hand
Ko SamuiKo Samui
Ko Samui

Lisa and the monkey
Ko SamuiKo Samui
Ko Samui

Tasting the curry I was very worried about how hot it would be!
Ko SamuiKo Samui
Ko Samui

Martyn scoffing his!
Ko SamuiKo Samui
Ko Samui

Feeding our elephant :)
Ko SamuiKo Samui
Ko Samui

Na Muang Waterfall
Ko SamuiKo Samui
Ko Samui

Chaweng Beach
Ko SamuiKo Samui
Ko Samui

Ko SamuiKo Samui
Ko Samui

Oh what nonsense we get up to
Ko SamuiKo Samui
Ko Samui

And again....
Ko SamuiKo Samui
Ko Samui


16th June 2008

All i can say is that i am jealous as hell!! Its peeing down with rain here and very cold and windy! reminds me of home....ah! You look like you are having a ball. Can't believe its almost time for you go home! eek! xoxox

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