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December 30th 2004
Published: December 30th 2004
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Wow that was unreal that trek we just went on, started with a 7 hour plane ride whic was nice after only sleeping 2 hours the night before, then an hour in the airport to catch abus to the train station only to find that there were no trains but a Bus to get to Koh Samui. Well we waited for the bus for 2 hours then got on the bus sitting in fornt of people who may or may not have had a shower in 2004, maybe 2005 is there shower year, but at any rate not nice. Also the bus was a double decker and the people on the bottom were the most obnoxious people you could have ever met, Americans, the leader look ed like Charles MAnson and talked the same saying he would kill people if they didn't like his partying on the bus. That was 11 hour adventure I could have done without, then to wait another 2 hours to catch the ferry which was 3 hours and finally a taxi to our place for 40 minutes, ....all oon roughly 5 hours of rocky sleep.
Worth every second though.... the place is cool, the people are so friendly) a little shakin up after the events of last week) the booze is cheap and the food is out of this world!
We met up with my old teaching partner Jessica and have been hanging out with her, got smashed last night on the beach as the waves (small waves) rolled in, good times/
I want to let eveyone know that I was really touched that so many of you emailed or called to see if we were ok, that meant alot a very sweet gesture.
Wee are safe and happy and enjoying what we worked for over the last 18 months.
Happy New Year to all I will have another story after the new Years bash.
Miss ya.


31st December 2004

Glad to hear you guys weren't caught in the disaster. Chris is that a suit your wearing? When I first looked at it I thought "Is this a wedding photo" Hope you had a good Christmas. Ash

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