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Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Pha-Ngan
April 21st 2008
Published: April 21st 2008
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i dont have alot of time on here, internet is very expensive on this island therefore spelling and grammar do not apply to this entry! also sorry its taken me so long to write. charlotte and i arrived in bangkok two weeks ago today, it was the most crowded and chaotic place i have ever been, but it was definitely not boring. we stayed there in khao san road for 3 days in total, which was amazing. the streets are completely packed with commuters, children, snack vendors, monks, fashionistas...you can hardly breathe but once we got used to it we started to relax. our hostel was ok, it had beds and that was all we cared about. bangkok does not have many pavements and navigating through the traffic was pretty scary so we ended up getting taxis which are incredibly cheap and have air con which we desperately needed! ko tao was the next stop which is about a 7 hour bus journey. it is a fairly isolated island, not too developed and the snorkelling really was incredible. every day we took a long boat to ko nang yuan, the tripartite island just north west of the island. there is an 100 baht fee to get onto the island but it was worth it (its the first picture i put up.) it was the thai new year (songkran) while we were there, which basically involves people throwing water over anyone and everyone all day and night, which was alot of fun! we are now in ko phangan where there are plenty of rainforests and coral reefs but the main reason people come here is for the various moon parties on the beach. last night was the full moon party, and unfortunately i lost charlotte at around midnight (amongst 10,000 people) and didnt find her until about 3 am . but it was still an experience and luckily neither of us got hurt. weve got a couple of days left in thailand to explore ko phi phi and krabi and then plan to travel through malaysia down to singapore. i never thought i'd say this but were geting bored of beaches and sunbathnig!i will write again soon!
hope you are all well
love sarah xx


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