ao nang again

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April 25th 2008
Published: April 25th 2008
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since we left koh phangan we've basically been non stop travelling for 3 days, but with the heavy rain we've had for the past few days it hasnt been too bad. we arrived in krabi on tuesday at somewhere called ao nang. its not much of an interesting place, very commerical with a starbucks and mcdonalds and full of families, so stayed a night there and headed north again to ao phang nga. we stayed in a scruffy little village outside of the main town but being fed up of noisy westerners it was a welcome break. found a great thai restaurant and sampled some delicious squid dishes!

then straight to the ao phang nga national marine park , which has 150 tiny uninhabited islands. we took a tour in a long tail boat around the islands, one of which is where james bond "the man with the golden gun" was filmed (not the reason we went there though!)
to get around the park we went through beautiful mangrove forests to caves with stalactites and ancient inscriptions on the walls. in the afternoon we arrived at a little muslim fishing village on stilts extending out onto the water called ko panyi. it has been cut off from the mainland and most modern amenities for 100 years. they had a tiny mosque and cemetery, lots of little houses, a restaurant and that was about it! in the evening they gave us a huge dinner , very traditional, all of which was seafood and it really was one of the best meals ive ever had. the people there were very friendly and we stayed the night in a little cabin. also had a traditional thai breakfast of sticky rice with coconut milk amongst other things. the whole thing was an amazing experience

this morning we have arrived in ao nang again before we head off to ko phi phi. we are about to go horse riding on the beach ! cant wait
lots of love


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