Elephants,bamboo rafts and oxen carts oh my...

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Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai
November 14th 2007
Published: November 14th 2007
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We landed at Bangkoks new airport. All I can say is wow!!!!!1 This has got to be bigger than HongKong Airport. The landing ramps are quite unique in that the docks for the planes are designed to look like spaghetti in a bowl. It reminds me of the birds nest olympic stadium design in Beijing. We walked from our plane to I think the other side of the airport on conveyors. We must have taken at least 8-10 of these.

Our first day in Chiang Mai was quite busy. We had a private guide and driver who took us to an Orchid farm. What was unique about this farm is that none of the orchids were in water or soil but hanging with the roots bare. They spray these roots twice a day with some sort of nutrients. Anyhow the Orchids are all different and beautiful. Thousands of them.....

Next we visited the elephant farm. I got up on a baby one and fed it also with Bananas and sugar cane. We saw an elephant show. The tricks were amazing. Even an elephant drawing a picture of an elephant. I could not believe it myself so I photo sequenced
Elephant Drawing a PicElephant Drawing a PicElephant Drawing a Pic

This is true. He actually drew this pic.
them in order.

We then both went on an elephant safari in the jungle for an hour in which our elephant guide was singing Happy Birthday To You for some reason. The elephant in front of us had a big ding a ling which was embarrassing. We also watched it poo BIGGGGGGG TIME> In any case it was far enough in front of us that it did not splash. We thought of our Tiger friend and did not want an elephant spraying pee pee on us.

After that we got onto a bamboo raft and floated down a river for 45 minutes to where we promptly got onto an ox cart driven by 2 oxen. Next we ate lunch and walked around . That night we went for supper and watched an ethnic Thailanese show while we ate.

We keep asking for wakeup calls and they keep forgetting about us.
Everything is as inexpensive as China.
We feel very safe and well looked after.

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A Long NeckA Long Neck
A Long Neck

We went to a Karen village and saw long necked woman who start putting rings around there neck at a young age. These rings weigh a ton. I cannot beleive they do this.

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