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April 12th 2013
Published: April 12th 2013
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I made it here! I'm feeling pretty darn proud of myself, but also wondering what the hell I've gotten myself into.. I mean that in a good way. I think. Anyway, this post is more for my parents to say I got in and I'm alive, etc 😊

The trip

I got super lucky for my 14 hour flight - the flight was totally packed, but the guy checking me in gave me the last emergency row seat so I had about four feet of extra room in front of me. Really nice of him, considering it was about midnight by the time I got to the counter and I was basically already asleep, and probably only grunted at him in reply.

As it turned out, I sat next to a former US airforce pilot who is spending his retirement traveling - he's hit 32 countries so far, and gave me some tips on Thailand (like absolutely NOT wearing my passport thingy around my neck - lol, I know, sorry Catherine). He also gave me some ear plugs, for which I was incredibly grateful since it meant I actually slept most of the time. If anyone's interested, Ireland and New Zealand's south island are the best places in the world, according to Bill. He spent most of the flight hitting on the flight attendants (and me), but it was cool since he scored us extra snacks and whatnot.

I almost missed my connection in Taipei because we got in a little late, so had to literally run the length of the airport and was one of the last to board. But I made it, kicked some guy out of my window seat, and had an easy flight over.

Finding the Lonely Beach Express was a little tricky, but after I found it I just had to kill 2 hours. So I bought water bottles, read my book, and people-watched. There are a ridiculous number of 20-something backpackers in BKK (some of whom are also solo females, Mom!). The drive itself took 4.5 hours, and we got to the ferry at 6:30 PM, and had to wait an hour for the next one. The other passengers were 3 couples, all around my age. Two were exchange students living in Bangkok who had been to Koh Chang before, and said they loved it there.

It was pitch black when I finally got to Ice Beach, but there were wild parties going on everywhere. We drove through a crowd in the street watching a fire breathing performance. My "hotel" was actually closed, but the driver found me someone who knew someone who worked there, who just gave me a room key. I actually have to go check in now, so more about my, ahem, "hotel", later.. 😊


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