Day one!

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October 29th 2006
Published: October 29th 2006
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Well i'm not sure i can tell you everything that's happened in the last 24 hours cos i'd still be here in another 24! But i'll try.

Before i start can i just say that this diary will be a straight up, as it comes account of my exploits, those of you of an infirm or delicate disposition should reconsider. Furthermore i will endeavour to make it entertaining even ammusing at times and i will be passing amongst you at the end for your donations to my next trip.

Now then as we've cleared that up we can start and the beginning is the best place me thinks! Flying out of London destined originally for Amman i found myself seated next to a man with a nasty cough and a severe case of halitosis. Thankfully he didn't want to chat so i put my head phones on and looked forward to the in flight entertainment. I wasn't too disappointed to discover that they didn't work when i saw that the film showing for our pleasure was Garfield and Friends - part 2 The revenge, well something like that anyway. So instead i stared into space for 5 hours! Amman airport was pretty uneventful apart from trying to charge me 4 quid for a glass of orange juice, i gratefully declined and sat smugly dehydrating- ha that'll teach them!

Onto the next plane, right on schedule, wandering up the aisle trying to guess what delights my travelling companion would have in store for me this time, i glanced up and was somewhat taken aback, that really wasn't something i was prepared for!! In my seat was the tiniest woman ive ever seen, dressed all in black and looking mighty comfy indeed. I tried to explain to her that she was in my seat but she just smiled politely and gestured to the seat in front. Now i'm not one to judge on appearances but i can only gather that this man was her husband and if she didn't want to sit next to him then i certainly didn't. Nothing to do with the fact that he looked like he'd just stepped right off the set of the latest Fu Manchu film and his teeth protruded so far from beneath his whispy little moustache that you could see that they had probably been nearly white once!!

Anyway after a firm talking to from an equally diminutive hostess she moved over. The rest of the journed passed without reason to comment, oh yes apart from the nose picking and flicking and the little old lady who got slightly confused with her complimentary pack to the point that for the whole journey wore her eye mask over her mouth!

All then went according to plan, luggage arrived at the airport without mishap, i eventually found Betty the little lady who was taking me into the city and my hotel and so we set off.

Pulling up outside the hotel or should i say building site that doubles for my hotel was a little unnerving to say the least. I went in anyway and set about checking in. The room was a little unexpected but i musn't grumble it takes me back to my childhood climbing up and down to my top bunk! And the bathroom/toilet- yes they are one and the same, is only a short walk downstairs, past the rubble and throught the plastic sliding door! But all i keep thinking is surely if i can stomach this on my first couple of nights, i'll be able to manage anything. The Princess is lowering her standards!

Following a sleepless night i managed to wake up at 6.55am, 5 minutes before i was due to join a trip to the Floating market. 7.05 (blimey how did i do that!) i smiled sweetly at the waiting crowd and clambered aboard the minibus. The market was ok, but nothing without all the tourists, bet it was lovely and a real market before we all came along! I've taken a few pictures but am far too sleep deprived to work out how to download them this evening, hopefully they will follow soon. The rest of the day has been taken up at an elephant park and then i've just had a damn good rub down by a little thai guy for the bargain price of 2 quid. Pain more than pleasure but i'm sure i'll feel the benefit of it tomorrow!

So that's it, i'm now off to sit and try not to look too desperate for people to talk to me in a nice bar. Hope you're all well and i look forward to talking to you all again soon.

By the way Carmel, Phil and i met up Sat night. What a great guy we had a nice evening wandering and chatting, give him my regards when you speak to him next.

Take care.


29th October 2006

re: Day one!
and what may I ask is wrong with Garfield and Friends?? Ben
29th October 2006

now you know
You now know how it can be, and I dont believe you when you say you made it in 10minutes. love mum.
30th October 2006

re: day one
Ben if you have to ask, then you just don't want to know. Mind you the next plane showed Devil wears Prada and that wasn't much better. But then as you know i'm a woman of discerning tastes!
30th October 2006

I'm reading this too!
Just to let Ben know I'm following the Blog too! And please tell us what is right with Garfield and Friends! We're all relieved to hear you are safe and well Rachel, can we have some juicy gossip in the next instalment though please? xx
30th October 2006

Personally, I would have said concerning tastes :o)... ...I tell thee what it this world coming to? A vendetta against Garfield? Poor cat all he wants to do is entertain!

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