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August 29th 2012
Published: September 15th 2012
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It's been a while since I have updated this, simply because I have been leading a difficult life fishing, drinking, eating, sunbathing, partying very hard and sleeping a little. Arrival time at koh san road was 10pm. After spending 45 minutes looking for our hostel and walking through a very packed koh san road with 2 huge bags each, we were frustrated, to say the least. Straight on the drink it was. We also had the pleasure of seeing our first ping pong show. It was grand. Very highly skilled women. That's all I'm saying. After a few hours in Bangkok we were sick. It stinks of piss and shit, it's dirty and you constantly get hassled and hustled. Saying that, it's still a place everyone should visit. The following day was spent sightseeing. Slightly more relaxed we were seeing a different side to Bangkok, but still couldn't wait to leave. A 19 hour journey awaited us. This involved a 12 hour bus, 2 hour wait for another bus which took another 2 hours to drop us off at the ferry terminal, a 1 hour and 30 minutes on the ferry and another 1 hour an 30 minutes in a mini bus to our accomodation. 'Sick of our lives' was an understatement.' Finally arriving in koh samui to start our muay thai training, a smile was back on our faces. It was time to become 'nawwwwwwty fighting machines'

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