Mad Bangkok Weekend!!

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April 24th 2006
Published: July 1st 2006
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So after the Buddist monk stay and fighting with tigers we had a Thai massage lesson and some Thai cooking lessons then the weekend to ourselves. All sixteen of us decided to go to Bangkok for a mad weekend and just naughty behaviour. We got there Thursday night and it was straight on the loopy juice. I met some crazy Americans from Chicago and they just kept buying me shots of Tequilla and we were all singing "Oh Tequilla, it makes me happy. Oh Tequilla..........." Yea it does till the next morning! I had an immigration appointment to prolong my Thai visa as I wanted to stay longer, only thing was I woke up ten minutes before the immigration office shut and it wasn't open till monday. Shit, so not sure what I am to do now but we'll come to that when it's necessary. Me, Erwin, Issac and Josh decided we would go out that night in fancy dress. We all went our separate ways to find costumes and all came up with the same out fit, Lady boys!!! I was a Thai school girl, (I had some fun trying to get that costume) it was a blast we got harrased everywhere we went, luckily one of the Dutch girls saved me otherwise I was going to be raped by girls and guys, they just went crazy. We had so much fun I found it hard to leave but I knew that this week will be cool, we are going to Koh Samet!


30th August 2006

Alrite Ash mate, hows it going? Loving the email updates and the blogs, been meaning to email for a while. Hehe ladyboys! Anyways hope your living it large, just thought i'd keep in touch a bit. Keep having a laugh. "Nice Work!" Laters Asda Isaac P.S that nickname was wank, cheers Erwin

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