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June 8th 2006
Published: July 28th 2006
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Hey guys

Will keep it short cos I'm knackered. We're in Bangkok baby!!!

Its 38 degrees and very humid - not sure what we're going to to now, will have a few beers and trash it out! Might get on a bus and head to the Islands.

Anyways we're here and will keep in touch
Be good


8th June 2006

the nomads
hello noel and dulcie, great you arrived safely, hows the beer and flied lice?? conas a ta tu? love from Mama and papa clarke!! agus Karen lulu and coco!!.
12th June 2006

just trying
hello i am trying to get hang of this so i can keep in touch with you the place sounds fantastic just what you needed stephen says hi to both of you all good here weather been really good mum
12th June 2006

I'm stuck in an office typing this which makes it all the more painful!! Hope you are both enjoying yourselves. Make sure you get involved in the scuba diving whilst you are there...cheers Martin

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