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March 13th 2006
Published: March 13th 2006
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Dusty SprigfieldDusty SprigfieldDusty Sprigfield

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
12th March

We had another early start today, we had to catch a bus to the Thai/Cambodian border and then get another Bus to Bangkok. The minibus we were on until we reached the border was absolutely horrendous; we were on it for 6 hours. The windscreen had cracks all over it and the bus itself was so full that me and Will both had to sit on these makeshift seats with no back support in the middle of the “aisle”. The “roads” in Cambodia tend to be dirt tracks with rocks all over them- it is such a Rocky ride, you can feel every single rock you go over. Jonny had a seat by the window, me and Will were well jealous of him having that cool breeze on his face for the journey- We would have the last laugh though…

The dirt track kicks up so much dust as you drive over it; people on motorbikes tend to cover most of their faces with handkerchiefs. When the bus stopped for a break, I heard Will burst into hysterics, I would soon find out why. Jonny had been sitting with his window wide open and was absolutely covered
The New ArrivalThe New ArrivalThe New Arrival

Ladies and gentlemen, friend and foe- I introduce to you Chris Bull , aka the 4th Musketeer (We don't really call ourselves this-honest!)
in dust, he was basically brown-his hair looked ridiculous aswell. The photograph rivals the famous picture of Jonny posing as the Godfather!

We crossed the border no problems and then had a much nicer bus to Bangkok where we found a hostel no probs. After “de-minging” after the journey, it wasn’t long until our mate Bull arrived- He's gonna be travelling with us until September. at night we had a few drinks to celebrate the new arrival (watched Stevie G gift Henry a winning goal for Arsenal though, which put a dampner on things)

13th March

Today we had a lot of organising to do. Once a month on the Island of Ko Pha Ngan they have the Full Moon Party, basically a massive beach party- we have known we were going to go to it for a month but we didn't find the time in our busy schedule (ahem), to book accomodation, which is like gold dust around the time of the parties. We got to the train station with the aim of getting a sleeper train for tonight to take us to Surat Thani where we then get a ferry to the Island from. Every single train for the next two days was booked up!!!!! the woman at the Tourist Information was very helpful though and managed to get us on to this VIP bus, and also rang a few places and got us some accomodation-Back of the net!! (It seems we've landed on our feet again) Maybe i shouldn't jinx it-We've still got a twelve hour bus journey and a three hour ferry to go.

Laterz, Mike


13th March 2006

Good banter
Hey lads, enjoying reading about your exploits but very jealous i'm not able to be along as well. Also its good to see that even on the other side of world you guys still have time to fit in tbone/cocknose banter. Don't suppose you saw liverpool vs arsenal? Cracking through ball from stevie g to set up thiery (apparently signaling his desire to move to the capital so watch this space!) Don't go catching anything at that beach party ;-) and remember what happend to leo di cap when he went to one......

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