Temples and more temples

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March 2nd 2009
Published: March 7th 2009
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We woke up after a restless night, the sky train passed by our window!

We decided to walk towards the river and look for a boat to the temples. It was a long walk but we found a private boat jetty and decided this would do. The boat took us down the river to the Temple of Dawn where Jan climbed lots of steps to the top - to steep and too high for me!

The boat crossed us to Wat Pho and we saw the large gold buddah. Very impressive.

We then went to the Palace which we were told was shut, so took a tuk tuk for the morning on a tour of various temples and shops - including the tailors. It cost half the amount of the first tuk tuk!! Great fun, but very hot!

We then headed back to the Palace and saw the temple of the emarald buddah before getting soo hot and hungry we decided to go to the restaurant. It was a long walk and wasn't a 'restaurant' we got some bing food which was yummy and then decided that it was time to go back to our room for a refresh.

We took the bus boat back, which was crazy, so many people on a boat! This stopped by the sky train which we hopped on and cooled off before getting back to our room.

Dinner was at S and P - same brand as the bing meals but fresh, very nice Thai food.

We then climbed all those stairs again and packed up as tommorrow we flew out of Bangkok to Phuket.

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Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


16th March 2009

Is that the emerald buda in photo 3018? Aren't you not aloud to take photos in there? naughty naughty!

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