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November 11th 2008
Published: November 11th 2008
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So we've made it to Bangkok! We've been here 2 days now and it's been amazing. On our first night, the quiet night in that we'd planned turned out to be quite interesting. We were taken out to dinner by some of the regulars at our guesthouse, which was followed by a trip to some rather interesting bars, let's just say I can now say I've seen a lady boy! Yesterday we came down to the Khao Sarn Rd in Bangkok, which is quite something. We spent last night sat on stalls at the side of the road drinking buckets of vodka redbull! It was brilliant. Tonight we're getting the sleeper train up to Chang Mai where we have a 2 day trek planned with a local tribe which we're really looking forward too. We're off now to catch some more sights in Bangkok before leaving tonight.

I'll keep you updated on our visit to Chang Mai in a few days!
Tash & Si


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