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November 5th 2008
Published: November 6th 2008
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Temple in BangkokTemple in BangkokTemple in Bangkok

As close as i could get without paying
Monday 4th November - We already decided we'd stay in Bangkok for just 2 nights. This would give us enough time to sort out some laundry, have a day to see the city and plan our route through Thailand. On the first night we visited a tourist information shop and intended on booking a short bus trip to Hua Hin. However, the woman recommended we head straight to Ko Tao as from there we can easily get across to Ko Pha-Ngan for the Full Moon Party. So we've booked to leave Bangkok on the 6th November. We will arrive in Ko Tao on the 7th. It is a small island only 21 sq km and just short ferry from the island of Ko Pha-Ngan. As the Full Moon Party attracts so many people we've again planned ahead and booked a place on Ko Pha-Ngan for the 11th November. We stay here until the 16th before island hopping again to Ko Samui.

Tuesday 5th November - Nance planned on a lie in and then shopping. I got up at 9am and decided to explore a bit. I wandered not far from where we are staying and already the humidity was making
the main strip near our hotelthe main strip near our hotelthe main strip near our hotel

This road for me was Bangkok for 2 days
me sweat. You'd think i'd get used to it by now. I did go and walk past the Emerald Buddha Temple as it was recommended to me the day before by the tourist info woman. However, there was a fee to go in and it's not really my sort of thing. Before long i returned to the hotel. In the evening we went to a few bars, including one with a live band. Well, it was supposed to be but it turned out to be just one guy playing guitar. Still, he was pretty good and played a lot of english music. Without realising i was suddenly really drunk so i staggered home leaving Nance with a few new friends we'd made. I don't remember getting home but i did wake up the next morning to find i had stolen a large clock from the corridor of the hotel. No idea why. I tried to put it back but it was too busy. Only time will tell (haha) if i get caught.

Wednesday 6th November - We booked the hotel room for the day so that we could just laze about, and that's exactly what we did. Our bus picks us up at 6pm and we will arrive at the ferry at 4am. I really hope it's a sleeper bus. Here, we are told we have a 3 hour wait before a 3 hour ferry ride to Ko Tao.


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