Bangkok Chaos!

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October 20th 2007
Published: October 20th 2007
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Khao San RoadKhao San RoadKhao San Road

Khao San Road by day
What a gradual introduction to Asia!! Its a little bit crazy here - Tuk Tuks beeping and people shouting 'hey you' everywhere you go. We've had 5 days based in Khao San Road so far to acclimatise to life in Asia. Feels like we've been here for ages as we've done so much.

The flights were ok just a little boring and tiring altho Singapore airport is huge! Then came the heat as we stepped out of the airport and into the crazy world of taxis! The taxi driver we got seemed to spend most of the time talking and beeping rather than watching where he was going but we enjoyed the ride.

So over the last 4 days we have visited the Grand Palace and the Emerald Buddha, Wat Pho which houses the Giant Sleeping Buddha, Visited the floating market outside of Bangkok which was just a floating tourist market, explored most of the city on foot including China Town (crazy place), visited the new giant indoor shopping centre for the air conditioning and used the Sky Train which was cheap, quick and easy.

The food has all been good so far. Street vendors pretty much everywhere
Khao San RoadKhao San RoadKhao San Road

Khao San Road by night
you look selling rice, noodles, spring rolls and loads more and its all dirt cheap. Its costing us about 3 quid for dinner for the pair of us including beer! No sign of any dodgy reactions to the food yet which is good.

Off to Kanchanaburi tomorow on the bus and we're going to spend a few days there.

We'll keep you updated from there as to what we're up to

Nik & Craig x

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